Page 21 of Mated to the Beast

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“The fever comes on at random. Like during the battle, I assure you, you will know when it is upon me again.”

“If these cuffs hurt so dang bad, then why didn’t you come after me?”

“Because while you might have been the leader of your squadron, I am the leader of our mating, and our mission to retrieve your brother.”

I shoved my way free of him and began to pace the hallway. “This is why I didn’t want a mate. This was why I didn’t want to agree to being mated. Men and their rules. You are all completely irrational.”

“You have only been in space two months. I have led coalition troops for over a decade. I know the Hive better than you do. I know more about what’s required to get your brother back. And, I’m Atlan and you’re not.”

I didn’t turn to look at him. I was angry and crazy and definitely losing it. I couldn’t go farther than one hundred paces from this guy without terrible pain. Why hadn’t he mentioned that before I agreed to put the cuffs on?

“Once we find your brother, we will settle on Atlan. I will show you my world. There are many experiences you have yet to enjoy. I would prefer we both survive to experience them.”

“So you want me to follow your lead since I’m… new to space life.”

“That’s part of it, but I am an Atlan male and I am in charge. If that is not enough to soothe your pride, to make your surrender acceptable, I am also your superior officer.”

“Not anymore. I’m a civilian now, remember?” I pursed my lips. Surrender? God, I was in trouble here because I surrendered to no one.

“The male is in charge, Sarah. It is our custom and the Atlan way of life.”

“Yes, you told me what Atlan women are like.”

“Yes, but you want me to be in control. You want your mate to lead.” He lifted his hand to my cheek and tilted my face so I looked up, way up, into his eyes. “You do not need to fight, Sarah. No more. I am here now. I will take care of you, as you truly desire.”

My eyes widened in disbelief. “I don’t need a man to take care of me and I definitely don’t want one!” I countered.

“You do, or we would not be matched.”

“Do I seem like a woman who wants to be led around all the time?”

He cocked his head to study me. “No, but you did like it when I kissed you. You had no control then.”

I winced because I couldn’t deny my reaction to that kiss, at least not honestly. He was right. I had liked it when he’d pinned me to the wall and took what he wanted. What woman didn’t want to be pressed up against a wall and fucked? What woman didn’t want a dominant male in the bedroom? Where was the fun leading a boy around by his balls all the time? There wasn’t any. But that didn’t mean I wanted him to be the boss of me. I had enough bosses in my life. Commander Karter was just the latest in a long string of commander officers and he was a pain in my ass.

I didn’t want to be legally bonded to one of them!

As for the kissing, I had to admit I wanted him to do it again, and not stop until we were both naked and spent. Not because he wanted to take the lead—in everything—but because I was only human and I had girl bits that longed for a real cock.

“So what happens now?” I patted the metal wall beside me, unable to resist goading the beast. “We get it on right here so I can cure your mating fever?”

His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. “While the idea of fucking you against that wall is appealing, I won’t take you unwillingly, or in a public place.”

“Why not?” I was relieved at his words, but couldn’t help myself as I backed up and lifted my hands over my head. I pressed my back against the wall and stared up at him with a blatant challenge in my eyes. The need to test his control rode me like a demon. I had to know just how far I could push him, what kind of man I was dealing with.

He stalked toward me until the smallest possible sliver of air separated us. His scent invaded my head and I wanted to drown in it, he smelled too good, like dark chocolate and cedar, two of my favorite things. I licked my lips as I held his gaze, daring him to do something crazy, daring him to break my trust.

His voice was a whisper. “Because you are mine, and no one will see your naked flesh but me. No one will hear your cries of pleasure when I take you. Your skin is mine. Your breath is mine. Your hot, wet pussy is mine. The whimpering pleas that I will force from your throat are mine. I will not share.”

I couldn’t breathe, was drowning in him and the erotic promise of his words.

“But know this, mate, if you continue to defy me, to tempt me to dishonor you, I will pull this armor from your soft body and bend you over my knee. Nor will you lie to me. I will have respect, Sarah Mills, or your bottom will be a bright, hot red before I fill you with my cock.”

What the hell? I tried to process that as he tilted his head and studied me. My pulse was like a drumbeat in my ear as I fought to recover from his dark declarations, all of them, for suddenly the idea of his firm hand on my bottom made me squirm, and not out of anger. Damn him, he noticed.

“Does it arouse you to be spanked?”

“What? No!” I replied, his words like a bucket of cold water thrown over my head. “Don’t you dare even think about it, Dax of Atlan.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy