Page 28 of Unapologetic

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“I guess …” It was a white lie, one I didn’t want to discuss. “But, I realized that I’ll be better off, so I plan to break it off with him the next time I see him.” I had automatedly clued him in without thought. However, it was too late to backtrack. If there was any doubt how my body and mind didn’t synchronize, this was it.

“I see,” he murmured. “So, you’re going to be single soon.” The sparkle in his eyes was unquestionably back now.

Gazing toward Anton and Kells, I saw they seemed to be having fun without worrying to check if I was being barraged by Mister Don Juan here. Not that I needed someone to fight my battles, but it would be nice to have a mediator.

“Yep, it looks that way.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.” He was beyond pleased. His face said it all.

“I’m sure it is, but don’t get any ideas,” I immediately shut him down.

“Who, me?” He blew out a breath before letting out a vigorous laugh. “Oh, I never do, petal.”

I threw him a sardonic look, not buying the bullshit.

His riotous laughter carried on for a bit before he softly regarded me. “You know me; I’m just happy to see you. I thought I was hallucinating when I first spotted you. Then I pinched myself. Turns out you were the real deal, and I wasn’t dreaming you anymore.”

His smile was infectious, and I couldn’t help returning it. Maybe it was the way he was ogling me, but for the life of me, I couldn’t look away. I just fucking couldn’t.

“I’m happy to see you, too.”

“Do you mean that?”

“I do.” I did, terrifyingly enough, I did.

His face brightened, his eyes imploring. “Thanks for telling me that. I know you do—of course I know that, we grew up together—but it’s good to hear that you still do,” he said wistfully.

His intonation carried a lot of weight, filled with emotions that were still too raw for me to deal with. So, what else was there for me to do?

I poured myself another shot and took it without hesitation. All the while, his eyes seemed to follow me, seeming fascinated to see me breathe.

“Your hair’s longer than usual,” I noted, perusing him like the perfect specimen he was.

Last I saw him, he had kept it almost in a preppy fashion. But tonight … tonight he had the unrefined, disheveled appearance combined with a lethal dose of sex on legs.

“I couldn’t cut it short. My contract made sure I couldn’t cut past a certain length,” he informed me.

If he knew where my thoughts were going, he would probably have his hand between my thighs like he always did before. Fingers were his forte, a weapon he used to silence me.

Oh, fuck. I poured my liquid poison while he earnestly watched me. Ignoring his eyes, I downed the rest of my shot while I tried to suppress my rated-R thoughts back to PG. At the present moment, the conversation was about his hair? Right, I could do this.

“It’s a small sacrifice, given the kind of success you had with the franchise.” I cleared my throat, detesting myself for being so lustful, even when the situation wasn’t ideal.

“Yeah, I’m very lucky it took off.” His hungry-filled eyes roamed, yearning and quite beholden.

“You worked very hard; you’ve earned it.” He had Academy nods for his role, and with a legion of diehard teenage girls after him, his fame had sky-rocketed to unparalleled heights. Parker remarked on it before, stating that it was the teenage-girl fantasy machine that fueled his career in such a way that most unseasoned actors were jealous of. Unmistakably, Parker was one of many. I, on the other hand, applauded River’s tenacity and work ethic, even if I secretly hated him. I was proud of him; how could I not be? It was the best rags to riches story.

“So, how are you these days, River? I mean, apart from randomly calling your exes over the phone, that is.”

His large, manly hands took hold of the bottle. Then he poured himself a shot, all the way to the brim.

“Is that right?” He grinned before annihilating the drink. His smile didn’t falter before those treacherous fingers reached out to touch my hair, emboldened. Mindlessly, he twirled his fingers, seeming to love the silky texture. “Just busy … And, in any case, if you’re interested, I just wanna put it out there that I’m single.”

“You’re not very slick these days.” I laughed at his audacity, lighting up like never before. Tried as I might, my brain cells were rapidly declining with each passionate touch. How could I pull off appearing cool and collected?

“It’s hard to be when my heart’s hammering hard and I can’t stop staring at the woman before me,” he stated, turning my world upside down.

I was dumbstruck. Damn. Not only was he being beyond forward, but I was pulling out the stops to see him—I mean, reallyseehim. River, the man I hopelessly adored, the man who once vowed to give me the world, the man who I had given my heart and soul to, and the very same one who I swore to love for the rest of my life.

Tags: Pamela Ann Romance