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Chapter Sixteen


I spoke to Camilla while I waited for Amelie’s burner phone to be delivered. She assured me it was a family catch up and not related to business, but I don’t entirely trust the woman. She’s lethal and ruthless. She gushed about how perfect Amelie is to take over The Order and how she may actually consider doing business with her. That just makes me more suspicious. She never truly got over being barred from joining The Order herself, so I don’t buy her joy at Amelie’s promotion. Sure, she’s worked hard to keep tabs on Amelie for her ‘safety’ but what better way to infiltrate and control The Order through her familial connection to its new, young and impressionable leader.

There’s no denying Amelie has mother issues – hell, who doesn’t – and I don’t really blame her for being desperate for love after everyone she’s ever trusted has lied to her for her entire life. But finding out that Laura isn’t her mum and suddenly discovering a new family with both the Kesslers and Camilla is bound to confuse and screw with the girl. I don’t trust Camilla not to manipulate Amelie, and as intelligent as Amelie is, she’s too emotional not to fall for it until it’s too late.

I protect her because Camilla is paying me to, but the overwhelming need to protect her comes from somewhere else. I think I have to shield her from her family too, and unfortunately I think the best way to do that is to have her join and take over The Order, but for me to stay in it too.


Which fucking sucks.

It took me a few hours to find a burner phone and have it delivered to Amelie, but once I had word she received it, I headed as far away from prying eyes as I could. This island is huge so I had no problem finding a quiet spot to call her.

“Hey, Batman,” she says, answering on the first ring.

“Excited to hear from me?”

“Pfft in your dreams! It was you who had a phone hand delivered to me from the other side of the world.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“What’s so important that we need burner phones?” she asks hesitantly.

“The Order.” I reply curtly. I’m tense. Nervous. Scared. “You didn’t say anything, right?”

“Does no one trust me? I don’t fancy a bullet between my eyes any time soon.” She sounds pissed and I smirk to myself, wondering who else has told her to keep her mouth shut. I doubt it was Kalen – he’s far too oblivious to anything other than a good time to note the danger of Amelie being in Camilla’s presence.

“Also,” I hesitate. I don’t want this to blow up in my face, but it needs to be said. “Be careful around your grandmother. She might look like a gentle little old lady but she would sell her soul to the devil for a pack of cigarettes.”

“I did hear about you two knowing each other. Is that something The Order knows about?”

“No!” I snap. “And you can’t tell them! They would kill me for being a traitor. I agreed to work with her for your protection. She called and we made a deal. Someone like her owing me a favour could be beneficial in the future. Besides, she’s not exactly someone you say no to.”

“Calm your tits, I won’t tell anyone. It will be our secret, and Aadi, Smalls, and my father.”

“Fuuuck.” I groan, hitting my forehead with my palm. This is a disaster. Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead, and she’s only gone and told half of the bloody outback! “You know your father is in The Order, right? If he says anything...”

A million thoughts rush through my head. I can’t wait, can’t risk it. He needs to be taken care of. It’s too dangerous not to. But...I can’t kill him. Amelie would hate me, along with The Order sending a team after me. Shit. Going off grid was my original plan but this damn dark-haired girl with a smart mouth has made me question everything.

“I’ll talk to my dad. He hates The Order as much as you do, so I’m sure he won’t say anything if I ask him not to.”

“You would do that for me?” I ask in disbelief. Why would she? I wouldn’t if the roles were reversed. Although...the raven-haired beauty flashes in my mind and I wonder what I might be persuaded to do for her.

“That’s what friends do for each other, Baxter. I worry about you sometimes. Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Left to be raised by a pack of wolves? I mean, friendship really isn’t a hard concept to grasp.”

“It is where I come from. It’s better going it alone, no one can stab you in the back while you’re not looking.”


I can just imagine her shaking her head at me, but there’s worry in her tone too.

“What is it?” I want to snap, but I force myself to sound...softer? Caring? I don’t know. Just different somehow, like I’m inviting her to confide in me rather than demanding that she spills whatever it is that’s bothering her.

“My grandmother made me promise to go back and visit her before I leave.”

“So?” I frown. I don’t see it being that much of an issue...yet.

“She said I have to take Kalen with me.”

“Fuck.” That’s not okay. Not good.

“Who are you talking to? That better not be my nutsack of a brother.” Kalen’s voice filters down the line as our call gets interrupted. I may have ensured privacy for this call but it seems Amelie didn’t think to do the same.

“I better leave you to it. I have a plane to catch anyway. I’ll think about that last thing you just said but please don’t do anything until you hear from me.” I hang up before she starts to snoop about where I’m going.

I’ll have time on the plane to come up with a plan to get Kalen out of meeting that woman. I don’t think it would be in anyone’s best interests for them to meet. No, my suspicions of what Camilla may be up to have now skyrocketed. From cautious paranoia to downright knowing she’s up to something. I will get to the bottom of it and do whatever it takes to protect Amelie in the process.

Now it’s time for me to head back home and go see said nutsack brother.

Tags: Crystal North Romance