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“Don’t sweat it, he is generally an ass but I have to love him.”

She throws her arm around me and leads us further into the house. I try to take in everything around me but Bex moves us quickly and I only manage to get a glimpse of some impressive artwork on the walls.

“I see you have met Bex,” my grandmother says.

“This grandchild seems way better than the other one. I vote you switch them out and send the other one packing.”

“Get out of here girl, your mother could use some help.”

“See ya round, get my number off the big guy.” She winks at me as she strides out of the room. I look at Smalls and he gives me an ‘I will tell you later’ look.

“Boy, go and do some work while I talk to my granddaughter.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Smalls leaves the room, glitter falling on the floor as he goes. I chuckle.

“You’re so grown up. I haven’t seen you since you were so small. Before we get to know each other, I just want to say be careful of those men, they can all be snakes. My brother…well that's another story, but please be careful.”

“I am, and I have some pretty awesome people watching my back.”

She changes the subject and the food is brought in. We talk about my new life in England and she tells me all about her travels. She is very tight lipped about what she does here in Australia, even though she knows I have some idea. I’m grateful she doesn’t push for any information about The Order, and I respect that by not digging about what she does. Two hours pass before Smalls waltzes back in, freshly showered and mostly sans glitter, though there are still random spots I can see shimmering and twinkling under the lights.

“Aadi called, we have to head back and play happy families now.”

“We are a happy family, Smalls.”

He smiles but doesn’t reply.

After we say our goodbyes, my grandmother makes me promise to come and visit her again before I leave and to bring Kalen with me. I’m not so sure about that. Kalen in this big expensive house would be bad enough, but Kalen with taboo topics we’re not meant to speak about? Downright dangerous if you ask me.

Smalls and I ride back to our house in comfortable silence. I’m grateful we made up; I hate when we fight. We will get past this stage, especially if I help him find a girl. Come to think of it, Katie was giving him some serious love eyes at the funeral. This might be something I need Kalen’s help with. I’m terrible at the whole romance thing but he, while over the top, seems to understand it. I smile to myself as we drive, plans slowly beginning to take shape in my mind.

Tags: Crystal North Romance