Page 34 of Judgment

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I’ve seen where she lives. Anyone with any sense would be thrilled to stay here instead of the run-down apartment she’s renting. “You said you would do anything, Paisley.”

“Are you sure you don’t need me to kill someone?” She almost sounds serious. Like that’s a more reasonable request. “I can do that instead.”

I’d laugh if I wasn’t so fucking aggravated with her response. “I don’t think you’re capable of murder, Paisley.”

Her expression is suddenly very serious. “Anyone’s capable of murder under the right circumstances.”

Once again I’m not sure what to make of the woman in front of me. I’ve seen her struggle to handle the men who grab at her in the club. Seen her standing in the middle of a stage, frozen in terror as Yvonne auctions her off to the highest bidder.

But the expression on her face now makes it seem like Paisley believes what she’s saying.

“I don’t want you to kill anyone.” I meet her gaze. “I’m more than able to handle that on my own.” The confession doesn’t slide free as easily as I expect, but she needs to be reminded of who I am.

What I am.

She presses her lips together as her pupils widen, seeking out light in the darkness of my office. “Anal then?”

My jaw clenches at the wicked thoughts that immediately chase those two words. There’s not a doubt in my mind she would offer up whatever I wanted, which should be more appealing than it is.

But I’m not imagining Paisley bent over my desk out of necessity. Allowing me use of her body instead of giving me what I’m asking for.

“No deal, Duchess.” This isn’t up for negotiation, and the sooner she realizes that the faster I can put this plan into action. “You have to be here.” I reach out to slide one finger up the front of her throat, stopping at her chin and pressing it higher in the air until her mouth is angled directly under mine. “With me.”

I haven’t kissed a woman in years, but if Paisley agrees to my terms then I will be kissing her often.


“I can’t.” Her eyes are pleading as they lock onto mine. “Anything but that.”

I didn’t expect to have to convince her. Somehow I thought she would already be halfway to my room, stripping off those ugly fucking shorts they make her wear, ready to slip between the expensive sheets of my bed.

I should have known better.

“It has to be that.” I choose my words carefully. The less Paisley knows, the better off I’ll be, but it’s clear I have to offer her some explanation. “I want people to think I found someone who will tolerate me.”

Her pale brows slowly lift and her eyes rake down my body. “I can’t imagine it’s too hard to find a woman willing to tolerate you.”

“Is that your way of saying you find me attractive?” I don’t care if she does, but it will certainly make all this easier.

“Does it matter if I do?” Once again she answers my question with one of her own, managing to avoid telling me what I want to hear.

So I do the same. “Do you want to know if I find you attractive?”

Her eyes barely dip and her lips part. “I already know.”

“I don’t have to be attracted to a woman to let her suck my cock, Duchess.”

Her tongue darts across her lower lip, like she might be thinking of how I tasted, and my dick strains against my pants, trying to get closer. “That’s not what I’m talking about.” Her cheeks warm in a pink flush that quickly creeps down her neck. “Yesterday when we were in the private room at Platinum your…” She swallows before trying again. “You were…”

I don’t hate that she struggles to say the words. It affords me the opportunity to whisper them in her ear. “Are you trying to point out that my cock was hard, Paisley?”

She sucks in a breath that makes me think of all the other ways I could make her gasp.

And maybe that will be another perk of having her here with me. In my home.

In my bed.

It almost seems like a waste if I don’t take full advantage of the situation.

Tags: Willa Jade Romance