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What a morning. After I went to my addiction meeting, I met Bobby, Nicolett’s dad. I wanted to talk to him about my intentions before she joined us because if it went sideways, I didnt want her to deal with that in a public place. I wonder if it was the right thing, though. These meetings though helpful, have also been leaving me with questions I shouldn’t even be entertaining. Like, is this the real thing, or is it a transference based on gratefulness and obligation? I mean, was it her or her heart that pulled me? Knowing that she had a part of the one person in this world I miss completely, or on the other side does she feel about me the way she does because if I had made a different choice, she wouldn’t be alive. I know in my heart that this isn’t the case, but once something is in your head, sometimes you just can’t get rid of it.

Bobby was not kind, at least not at first. For half a moment, I thought he was going to sock me. There was a mini tirade about my corrupting his only child and preying on her innocence. I didn’t argue, no matter how badly I wanted to. I let him go on, and when he was finished, I pleaded my case.

I told him that perhaps this was a fast courtship and that, like him, I was blindsided by the events that brought us together, but that ultimately the choice is hers and mine alone, and we have chosen to make a go of it. To make a life together, because we feel that life apart would be far more unbearable. I love her, regardless of reason, time, or circumstance, and I will do whatever I can to ensure she is happy, no matter what that may be. All she asks of me I will provide anything she wants to do, and I will support her, no matter how hard it might be. If that doesn’t show my devotion if my drying out after fifteen years down the neck of a bottle wasn’t enough for him, then I am sorry, but my asking him was a courtesy, not actually for permission.

He didn’t really like hearing that last part, but in the end, he has conceded, and we have spent the later morning making arrangements, and he even helped me pick the ring. It’s a three-carat cushioned heart-shaped halo with two carats of chips on the lower tiers. It’s so damn sparkly that I’m sure they will see it from the space station on a sunny day.

We went to Hoffman’s Grocery, and I curated a list with his help of all the good and not-so-good foods we will need to have delivered to the dock, not just today but every Wednesday until further notice. I put my card on file, and they gave me access to an app so I can make any changes I need so long as it’s twelve hours before delivery.

We’re sitting at a table by the windows at the Cornerstone Grill. It’s literally five shops down the way from where Nicolette is getting her spa day on. They opened this farm-to-table restaurant a few years ago, but this is the first time I’ve been inside.

I’m sitting here trying to keep my fingers out of my mouth, Bobby seems okay, but if he pops on my Tink, I may stab him with a fork. She was supposed to be here a few minutes ago. Bobby is drinking a beer, and I really want one, but I’ve been completely dry for fourteen days, and I am beginning to realize that I enjoy the clarity.

“Um-I’ll be right back.” Getting up, I need to see where she is. If something happened… I mean, this cock sucker wants ten million dollars, and I didn’t give her any of my guns. I move as nonchalantly as possible and slip out the door, turning the corner just in time to see her coming out of the drug store, not looking up. “Tink!” I holler before she steps into traffic.

She halts with a jolt, her hand going to her abdomen, not her heart. My head tilts at the action, my eyes connecting with hers. She looks terrified, and that little bit of lip quivering shows she’s feeling guilt. Checking the road, I run to her, and her head movements say she’s looking for somewhere to hide.

“Tink?” I draw it out, reaching for her, and she spins into me, burying her face in my chest. I instinctively hold her close and turn us from traffic. “Hey, okay. What's going on?” I have my suspicions, the same ones that sent me into this drug store at Easter, but I won’t voice them.

“The doctor called me as I was coming out of the salon. I-I broke my phone.” She’s a whiney mess. “Dad’s going to kill us.”

“I’m going to assume our extracurricular activities have increased the size of our household, but this is not the place.” I stroke her hair gently. “As for Bobby, he’s just agreed to us getting hitched, so let’s not push it.

“What if he reads me like you did? Kris, I’m scared.”

“Tink, he just wants to see you, I don’t think he’s going to see anything but his baby girl. Besides, if he does do anything embarrassing, I’ll caveman you out of there and really give the media a show.” I chuckle softly, pulling back so that I can tilt her chin. She looks up at me through those thick dark lashes, and as always, her hazel eyes level me completely. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

“No, I told you so?” She asks me ever so quietly.

“Never from me.” I hug her, then release her so I can take her hand and we can cross the road. “Never from me.” She squeezes my hand. “Did you do something to your hair?” I smirk.

Tags: J. Haney Romance