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“Just listen before you lose your shit. Okay?” Kris watches me as I take care of his finger at the same time as I explain my thought process. “It’s not as complicated as your thinking. I can be typing while your working with the band on sound and singing when your ready for me. If the first album we’re doing is covers anyway, it’s just going to be me practicing them. Besides I think you’ve been making sure I practice plenty while in the bedroom.” I give him a pointed look. All he does is chuckle. “Technically I have the letters I’ve written to you over the years even if I didn’t know it was you. They tell my story. The only thing we have to do is add in your side of things. There are things I don’t know like when you decided to give me Claudette’s heart. I knew but I didn’t know why. Why you chose me. It’s those kinda things that lead us to where we are now. Tell me I’m wrong?”

His eyes lower, and his head shakes. “No, you’re not wrong.” He grabs two lamb chops-you know the little ones that are like lolis-passing one to me he sighs, “To the slaughter?”

“Is that how you feel like this is going to go?” I look up at him unsure. Maybe my idea is crazy and we just need to put out a statement that we meet fell in love and we want to live our lives together.

“Tink, it’s a metaphor, we’re the wolves and they’re the sheep? If we go on the offensive we become hunters instead of waiting prey. It’s no fun having to explain it.” he frowns clearing the meat from the pop in a single pout.

“Oh, I guess I should have known that.”


These last two weeks have been insane, between writing on the laptop while on the boat then when we dock working on music. While we’re docked Kris has been going to a meeting to help him with his addiction. It seems to be good for him. We have started posting snippets of our relationship to social media. That’s always fun. We’ve had to be careful with the pictures though. Almost had a couple nip slips.

Today we’re in town but I had to see my new family doctor. They’ve had me going through all the different tests. Especially with my heart. I mean the tests are easy since I’ve been doing them for so long, but still.

I finally get out of the doctor with a they’ll call me with results or if something shows up lead on. I text Kris as I’m walking to the spa. Kris was going to be in a meeting then said he had to do some running around before we meet dad for a late lunch. I’m excited to see him. I’ve missed him so freaking much.

ME: Hey, out of the doc. Finally. Heading to the spa now. Not sure if you’re still in the meeting or if you’re already doing your running.

PAN: Meeting went good. Got my fourteen-day chip. Never thought that would happen. I love you. See you soon.

ME: Love you too. See you.

I absolutely love spa days. I get my hair washed but today I’m also getting it cut because it’s just too damn much with the heat. I’ve kept the hair over top but have a shaved underneath. It’s already so much lighter. With the way my hair has grown out my dark has taken over so I’ve just told the stylists to add some natural highlights.

My fingers and toes have pineapples and look just as summery as I wanted but my favorite thing about this place is the massages. I just feel all the tension leave my body after a good massage.

I’m working on paying for everything when my phone rings. I assume it’s Kris or dad because I’m running late.

“Hey I’m on my way. I’m paying right now and then I’ll be there.” I say into the phone that’s cradled between my face and shoulder.

“Missus Barrett?” A female voice comes through the line.

“This is her.”

“I’m calling from-”

Tags: J. Haney Romance