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“Mmm. Say my name while I get you off. Tell me how much you want me.”

“I…” she hesitates. “I don’t know how to talk like that.”

I laugh and groan in one. She’s fucking impossible.

Yanking my hand from her pants and absorbing her cries, I flip her off my lap and send her sprawling onto the couch. She squeals, but she lands where I want her to, and lets her legs drop open as she watches me with a little fear in her eyes.

She’s not scared of me in the general sense, but she’s scared of the unknown.

“Let me show you how to come without losing your virginity.” I slowly peel her jeans away. “You’ll lose your innocence though, Priss. You don’t get to have this and pretend you’re innocent anymore.”

“What are you…” she gulps. “What are you gonna do?”

“I’m gonna eat you the fuck up.”

I drag the denim all the way to her feet. She wears her black sneakers, so I pop those off and send them flying, then peel her jeans away and send them after the shoes. I look back to find cute little cotton panties with a satin bow on the front.

I look back into her eyes and hold her captive. “Trust me, okay? I swear I’ll do right by you. Tomorrow, I’ll still treat you like a lady.”

She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and nods. “Okay. Will this hurt?”

“Absolutely not.” I begin peeling the cotton away and smile as her blush washes all over her body. “But since I don’t get laid, and I don’t get titties, I’m keeping these.” I pull her panties over her feet, and when our eyes lock again, I ball them up and shove them in my pocket. “You will never get these back, Priss. For the rest of your life, you’ll remember me as the man that took your innocence.”

She gulps and tries to close her legs.

I’m stronger. I’m faster. And when I lower to my stomach and push my shoulders between her thighs, she’s forced to open wide.

“I’ll always be the man that took your panties. And I’ll always be the one you think about when you wish your man would do this for you.”

Her breath shudders in her chest so her whole body moves. “Um…”

I lean forward and slide my tongue over her pulsing slit.

Her ‘Um’ turns to a scream, and her thighs squeeze my shoulders. I cup her ass and lift her to me while she sobs and threads her hands into my hair.

She has no fucking clue how to do this, but her body knows. And her body knows not to let me get away when the good shit has just begun.

She’s soaking wet and fiery hot. The thatch of hair that covers her is the same color as the hair on her head. Trimmed neat, she provides the perfect canvas for me to work with.

I squeeze her ass so tight it will bruise, but she grinds against my face, crying when I slide my tongue inside and fuck her in a less conventional way.

“This is what it’ll feel like when we do it right. Butmore, Priss. So much fucking more.”

I swap my tongue for a finger, and send her shooting along the couch, but I grab on and pull her back to me. I finger-fuck her and make her quiver, then bring my tongue back to her clit and suck until her pussy clamps tight around my finger.

“Ah!” She sobs and draws my eyes up to her expanding chest. “Spencer!”

“Mmm. Look down here, babe. Look into my eyes while I eat you up.”

Her eyes snap to mine. She looks at me almost as though she’s in shock. She might be. I doubt this is what she had in mind when she came here.

When I know she’s almost ready to come, when she’s pliable but taut, when her legs no longer try to slow me, but actively pull me closer, when she drips on my couch and makes a mess I will never wash away, I slide a second finger in and stretch her out.

She stops instantly. Dries up for a moment. Squeaks.

“It’s okay, babe. It’s just a little stretch. Let it happen.”

“You said it wouldn’t hurt.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark