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“I meant the bit with my mouth. I’m sorry.” I begin sliding my digits in and out. I suckle on her clit to help her find her pleasure again.

It’s a tight fit, made tighter by her tension and doubt, but she slowly relaxes. She closes her eyes and blindly stares at the ceiling as her legs drop open and her panting restarts.

“There you go. Does it still hurt?”

“Only a little bit. But it feels good too.”

“Mmm.” I slide my tongue over her slit and my fingers, then stop to suckle her clit. “This is how it will be when we have sex for real. It’ll hurt a little. This is two fingers, but my dick is much thicker than that. It’ll sting at first, but if you relax and let me help you, it’ll get better, I promise.”

“Okay.” She brings her hands up to press against her eyes.

It’s almost like she’s ashamed of liking this. Like she can’t show any enthusiasm without feeling weird about it, so she covers her eyes and lets her hips start moving again. She follows my hand, and rides me when she finds the angle and depth she wants.

I could remain still and let her get herself off, but that wouldn’t be as pleasurable for me, so I continue lapping at her sweet pussy, and I grind against the couch, desperate to be touched.

“Oh god, Spencer.” Her chest lifts and falls. “I think… I think I’m going to come.”

“Do it, Abigail. Let me taste you.”

“No, I…” Her hands shoot away, and her eyes come to mine. “No, it’s like pee again. I can’t… your mouth…” She furiously shakes her head. “No.”

“Yes.” Since she’s so close, I pump harder and force her to the edge. “Don’t make me do the work without the payoff. Come in my mouth, babe.”

“Oh god!” She grabs my hair and shoves me back down.

Fuck inexperience, she knows how to take what feels good. I pump harder, deeper, and suck her clit until her body bows and her panting turns to desperate mewling.

“I’m gonna…” Her voice trembles and breaks. “Oh god, I’m gonna…”

I bite her clit and help her over the line. She explodes beneath me, gushing into my hand and squeezing my fingers tight. I leave her clit and lap her up, and each time my tongue moves, her orgasm restarts, and her body spasms.

My couch is a mess, and my girl is crying, but everything is fine because she’s coming on my face and can barely catch her breath.

Panting – both of us are – she slows her rhythm, and her legs loosen around my shoulders. Her chest lifts and falls with fast breaths, and her clit literally pulses in front of my eyes.

“That was…” She clears her throat and burns about thirty shades darker red. “Wow.”

“Mmm.” My hips continue to grind against the couch. I can’t stop it. I don’t want to stop it. I never thought I’d settle for a couch giving me a hand job, but here I am, and I’m willing to take anything I can. “How do you feel?”

“Relaxed,” she snickers. “Really, really relaxed. Like I could just float off to sleep and not even care that I’m half naked.”

“Uh-huh.”I can’t fucking relate.All I can do is fuck the couch and wish the cushions would come to life and suck me off. “Are you sore?”

She gives a lazy shrug and stares up at the ceiling. “Not right now. What are you…” Frowning, she looks down her body and watches me move. “Are you okay?”

“Uh-huh. Just kinda thirsty.” My hips move faster, as though convinced I’m inside her. Forgetting those manners I mentally swore I’d hold onto tonight, I pull back and sit on my ass.

Abigail goes from relaxed to wary in an instant as I shove my zipper down and pull out my cock.

“I can’t…” I look into her eyes. “I can’t not do this.” I stroke my cock, and throw my head back. I groan and squeeze tight until my balls draw up. I could be done in three pulls, and I’m not proud of that.

Abigail’s breathing turns heavier again, throatier, and draws my eyes. I roll my head to the side and find her watching my hand with interest. Her bottom lip is between her teeth, her legs crossed and show me everything she has. “Do you…” Her unsure eyes come back to mine. “Can I help you somehow?”

“Thank fuck you asked.” I release my cock and pick her up without hesitation. She squeals with fright until I set her on the floor in front of me so she’s on her knees. “Just touch it, Abigail.” I grab her shaking hand when she makes no move, and wrap it around my cock. I wrap my hand around hers and squeeze. I’m about three fucking seconds from blowing, so I soak up the feel of her hand on my dick, and start jerking off. Her blush fills her cheeks, but she doesn’t shy away. She stares at the head of my cock like it’s the most amazing thing she’s ever seen.

“This is thicker than your fingers.” Her eyes come back to mine. “A lot thicker.”

“We’ll work up to it.” I throw my head back and groan as my orgasm races forward. My hips jut up and search for more. More warmth, more speed, more Abigail. “If you ever wondered what sucking my dick would be like, now would be a wonderful fucking time to give it a try.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark