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“I shouldn’t have come here today.” She uses my chest and pushes back.

I’m pinned to the back of the couch, my cock raging hard, my heart racing in my chest. My breath comes fast, lifting and dropping my diaphragm as I watch her visibly shake and regain her footing.

“I told you this wasn’t a good idea. I knew it wouldn’t work, but I hoped…” She shakes her head and turns.

I jump up fast as a whip as she darts away on fast feet.

I’m faster.

I’m stronger.

I wrap an arm around her tiny stomach, and lift her into the air. Her legs flail, and her scream buzzes in the air, but I swing her around and nibble on her neck as I walk straight back to the couch. I sit her on my lap again, but facing away, so her back is to my chest, and her legs run along mine.

I go to work on her neck, biting, tasting, savoring, as she wiggles against my cock and twines her fingers with mine when I bring a hand down to her thigh.

“Don’t run away from me, Priss. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“I’m sorry you can’t touch,” she chokes. “This isn’t what you expect when a woman–”

She breaks off on a hiss when I bite her neck a little harder, and slide our fingertips higher on her thigh.

“It’s okay, babe. You’re allowed to lay down your limits. And I’m allowed to take a minute to process it. All my blood is in my dick right now, so it takes a little longer for my brain to work shit out. But I’m not here to embarrass you. I don’t ever want to make you feel bad. I just want to feel you, and I want to make you come an inhuman amount of times between now and the morning.”

“But…” She pauses. “What about you?”

I slide my tongue along the column of her neck, then use her distraction to slide our hands higher. This is how it has to be with her; draw her focus to the left, while I do something on the right.

“What about me, beautiful?”

“How will you orgasm?”

I lift my hips and grind against her ass. It makes my blood sizzle when she gasps and grinds down. “Are you opposed to touching me? We could start with your hand.”

“I don’t know how.”

“Mmm. I’ll teach you.” I slide my left hand around her hip, and unsnap her jeans in one deft flick.

If she wonders how I’m so good at that, she doesn’t ask.

Her jeans aren’t skintight like most women wear, which actually makes it easier for me to slide my hand into her panties and send her shooting into the air when I find her wet and hot.

“This is for me? Were you wet while you were driving over here?”

I slide my finger over her clit, and hold on tight when she wants to shoot through the roof again.

“I knew you would eventually come to me. I knew you feel what I feel.”

She pants as I slide the tip of my finger into her pussy. I want to weep, my cock hurts so much.

I fight against the very thing evolution and human nature want me to do. We were created to further humankind, to find the strongest partner and make more generations. Instinct makes me want to peel her jeans away and fuck her till she cries, but all I get is grinding action and the most beautiful creature whimpering in my lap.

“I’m gonna make you feel good, Priss. I’m gonna blow your fuckin’ mind.”

“Stop swearing.”

I laugh in her ear and slide my other hand over her ribs. “You’re gonna have to work with me on this. I don’t get tits or sex, you gotta let this uneducated baboon have his swears.”


Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark