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“I came here to apologize for scaring you away from the wedding you earned a seat at. You worked hard, and just when you get a chance to sit and relax, I was a dick.” He continues massaging my arm, but his eyes come back to mine. “I came to apologize, and maybe ask for a truce. Instead, I got you in the tub, and now I have a pretty little plaything, because we both know you want what I’m offering.”

“I want nothing from you.”

“You think feelings need to be involved, and I mean, you aren’t completely wrong. I feel a deep, heated, pulsing fucking desire to claim your firsts for myself. And you feel curiosity, temptation, and a little daring when you think of accepting my offer. I’ll take care of you, Priss. I promise you won’t feel lacking for anything.”

“I want a man who I can love. I’ve been saving myself for him.”

“And instead, you get me. Sometimes life ain’t fair, but when you look past what youthoughtyou wanted and see what you’ve been given, you’ll realize that life doesn’t completely suck.” He leans forward and slides his tongue over my bottom lip. “First, your hand. I’ll teach you, Abigail. You don’t have to be scared. I’ll show you how to pleasure me with your hand.” He nibbles on my bottom lip and grins when I whimper. “Then your mouth. I’ll guide you through sucking me off, and you’ll like it. You’ll be happy when I come in your mouth as reward for your hard work.”

“Spencer…” I shake my head and try to escape him. “No.”

“Yes. And then I’ll claim you. First time will be gentle. First time will be for you. But after that, it’s for us. I’ll show you things you never would have guessed were possible, but you have to trust me to lead.”

“This isn’t…” I can’t catch my breath. I can’t keep up. “Spencer, you have absolutely no clue what you’re suggesting. I’m not the person you want me to be.”

“Yes you are.” He brings a strong hand to my jaw and pulls me back around. “You just have to stop worrying about what people think. You have to stop thinking altogether, because what a man and woman do in private has nothing to do with our heads, and everything to do with our instincts. Stop condemning yourself before you even try it. Now, are you going to be okay?”

“Hmm?” Dazedly, I lick my lips and try to focus. “What do you mean?”

“If I walk out of this bathroom right now, will you be safe in the tub? Or should I help you out?”

“I’m fine.” I clear my throat and try to ignore the cold chill that overtakes my body when his hand leaves my jaw and he stands tall. “Where are you–” I bite my words off.I don’t care where he’s going. I want him to leave.

“Come to me tomorrow, Priss. Come to my home. I’ll be waiting for you.”

He turns away and shows me his back as he dries his hands on a towel that remains rolled on the vanity. The muscles in his shoulders roll with his movements. He’s so broad up top, and tapers down to a trim waist, only to turn wider again around the thighs. He’s all muscle. No fat. So much power. And far too big for me to even consider matching myself against.

I drag my hand along my towel, over my chest, and stop just below my chin. “I can’t do this, Spencer. I can’t be your… your….” I gulp. “I can’t be your plaything.”

He turns to me when his hands are dry and chuckles. “You’re not paying attention, Priss. You’re already mine.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark