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One long table. Twenty chairs. A massive flat screen on the wall that we use to watch security footage – and the UFC. A coffee machine stands in the corner, with paper cups stacked haphazardly on top, and a water cooler beside that for after Jay has had his thirtieth coffee and needs something to offset the buzzing.

Abby’s bicolored eyes haunt me as she looks to my thigh – where I keep my CZ strapped almost always during work hours – then to the radio I have clipped to my belt. One of my legs is as thick as her entire body, one of my hands wider than her head.

It bothers me that she’s so little, and that I might be feeling a little too invested in keeping her away from a potentially abusive boyfriend.

“Are you looking for Jess? She ain’t here.”

“Uh, no.” Her voice crackles with nerves while she folds one arm across her midsection.

She’s trying to hide from me.

“So what do you need, Abigail?”

“I feel like…” I see the battle she wages with herself as her eyes continuously stray to my thigh, then to the floor. “I don’t often make enemies quite as quickly as I did with you yesterday. I didn’t sleep well last night, because I felt bad for snapping at you.”

I bark out a laugh that makes her jump, but if she’s surprised, it’s not even half as surprised as I am when I realize she’s being serious. “You’re for real? You couldn’t sleep because you were mean to me?”

Her unique eyes follow me. “Yes. I hardly slept a wink because of what happened. I’m not normally like that. I don’t snap at people, I don’t call them names.”

“Names?” I pause, and think over my afternoon in her flower shop. “Idiot? You called me an idiot, and you consider that calling names? Sophia called me fucking stupid not five minutes ago.”

“Well…” Her cheeks burn dark red and emphasize her innocence.Because I said fuck.“That’s not me. I don’t argue with people, I don’t call them names. I don’t get snappy or rude. But you…” She exhales. “I guess you pushed my buttons, and maybe yesterday was just an off day for me or something. But–”

“Was it?”

She stops with surprise. “Hm?”

“Was yesterday a bad day for you? Before, I mean. Before Jess and I arrived.”

“Um… maybe, I guess.” She lifts a hand, then drops it so her palm slaps her thigh. “Some things happened before you arrived that kind of bothered me. Then Nix was there, then you and Jess arrived. You were a little mean to my brother, which meant I was a little mean to you. I didn’t feel good about it, just so you know. Not during and not after. Not even a little bit. So I’m really sorry for the things I said.”

Well, fuck. Now I should apologize too.

“I’m sorry I talked about your ass.”

Her eyes widen. “You talked about my… butt?”

My lips twitch, because I think she’s literally incapable of cussing. “I said something about how you’re all back and crack, and maybe you slide right off of every chair.”

Her cheeks pale. “You really said that?”

I shrug. “I don’t remember what I said out loud and what I said in my head. But there was a constant stream of body judgment going on. I know I insulted your ti–” I pause. “Your, uh… breasts.”

“You said I didn’t have any.”

I swallow. “I did say that. I’m sorry.”

Thoughtfully, she nods. “I didn’t come here to make you feel bad. In fact, I was coming to apologize for my horrible behavior. But you should know that the breast comments really hurt me.”

She places her handbag on the floor, then lifts both hands and holds them about a foot apart. “That’s my whole life.” Then she presses her thumb and pointer finger together. “And that’s how much you know about it. People face their demons every single day, Mr. Serrano. Sometimes their demon is simply getting out of bed. Other times, that demon is stepping outside of their home and facing the public. Sometimes, their demons are internal, and they know their body isn’t exactly on the same level as a Victoria’s Secret model’s, but we’re born with what we’re born with, and no amount of crying about it will change it. You have no clue what my demons are, so perhaps next time, you could be a little more mindful of the things you say to people you literally don’t know.”

“I could help you.”

Shut up! Shut up!

Her brows shoot up high. “What?”

Stop it! “I bet one of your demons is your strength. I could help you build your body up a little.”Spencer, no! “I could give you a workout regime that’ll help you gain strength without taxing your body too much. Bulk up your calorie intake, help you level up on the weights.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark