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I find the thickest set of legs that stand at the front, then I allow my eyes to slide along them as Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” escorts me along the aisle. I peek from beneath my lashes – yet another thing I lost and appreciate so much more now that I’ve grown them back – and swallow when my gaze slides over his hips. Spencer’s hands are clasped, and wring together in my line of sight. He’s nervous, but oh so handsome. I lift my eyes over the white shirt and black vest he wears, both of which are like a second skin on his large body.

Finally, once I walk past my brothers, and they don’t dart into the aisle and tackle me, I allow my gaze to move to Spencer’s. Our eyes meet, and a tidal wave of emotion slams into my chest. Tears burn the backs of my eyes, but I smile. I swipe the tears away and walk just a little faster toward the man I love.

This isn’t even my wedding, but it kind of feels that way. It feels special for us.

I’m supposed to step to the left and fill out Sophia’s side of the bridal party, but Spence steps out of formation and pulls me into his arms. His thick biceps wrap around my shoulders, and his heart presses to my ear.

“You’re supposed to stand beside the guys.”

“I know.” He buries his face in the side of my neck and breathes. “I just needed a second to remind you I love you.”

I give a happy sigh, and push the thought that a hundred people are watching us out of my mind. “I love you too. Thank you for reminding me.”

“You look beautiful, Priss. I love what you did with your hair.”

“Yeah?” I pull back and finger the ends of my pixie cut. I don’t intend to keep it this short forever. But it takes time to grow back, so I needed a style that would look good for today, which meant sacrificing a little. “I like it too.”

“I think it grew back redder.”

“Shut up!” I smack his chest and try to step away. “No teasing.”

“Not teasing.” He pulls me in once more and risks his life when Mitchell growls. “Save me a dance later?”

I smile. “Of course. I’ve saved them all for you.”

He flashes the most beautiful grin. “Remember the last time we were at a wedding together?”

My mind races back to Jess and Kane’s nuptials, and Spencer’s visit in the bathroom. I swallow to moisten my suddenly dry throat. “Uh-huh.”

He nods. “Uh-huh.” Winking, he steps back, releasing me and chuckling when I stumble. “Save that for me too.”

“Okay…” I stumble a little to the left, and smile when Mitchell’s growl can be heard twenty feet away.

“Oh, Priss?”

I look up and meet Spencer’s eyes.

“Did you know Mitch is fucking Nadia?”

“What?!” I swing around to face my brother, who watches us in horror.

“Alright, move.” Andi grabs my arm and tugs me along the aisle. “You’re taking up too much attention.”

My eyes flash to Jay, then to the end of the aisle, where twin blondes make their way toward us. Angelo watches Laine with eyes that promise something similar soon, and Kane watches Jess like he’s about to tear her dress off and show the rest of us how it’s done.

My face burns red, made worse when Jess reaches us, and Kane practically makes good on his promise. But then the music changes, and Soph proves she isn’t a runaway bride.

She looks like a real princess, if princesses wore tutu-esque gowns and looked like ballerinas even without ballet slippers. She might be the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen, an impressive feat, considering I saw Jess Lenaghan get married.

Jay is like a pressure cooker waiting to burst. I see Kane holding him back, and Eric, and then Spence has to grab on too. But Soph takes her sweet time and makes him wait for her. Just like always.

She’s stunning, and her beauty makes me emotional all over again.

When she finally reaches the front, and our group turns around, Spencer catches my eye and winks. He’s the tallest of his group, and I’m the smallest. He’s the darkest, I’m the lightest. He’s the strongest, and I have tiny little pea-shaped muscles on my biceps.

We’re opposites in every way, and yet, we fit. Like two pieces of a puzzle that were made to be together. We’re perfectly imperfect, but in our imperfections, we’re perfect for each other.

“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today…”

I can’t believe Jay agreed to Angelo being ordained to marry them.

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