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“I’m planning to take two weeks off work to spend with my brand-new wife.”

“Yeah? That’s nice.” That genuinely makes me happy. “She’ll love that.”

“Right, but if you break my rook’s heart and he calls out on bereavement leave to get over you, well, that’ll fuck up my vacation time, won’t it?”

I brush a hand over the sweet little flower pinned to his lapel. “I won’t break his heart. I just wanna play a little bit.”

He shakes his head. “No. You’re trouble. Way too much trouble for him. Riley needs a cute little Christian girl that wears aprons and bakes cookies every day.”

“Like your ma?”

He barks out a laugh. “Exactlylike my ma. She’s sneaky crazy, but you’re just straight up psycho. Riley can’t handle that kind of woman in his life.”

I bring my hands up and rest them on his broad shoulders. “Don’t worry about me, Oz. I’ll be good, I promise.” But like a bratty child, I cross my fingers and flash a devious grin. “Oh, and while we’re on the subject; have you met his mom?”

“Riley’s? I have. She’s sweet as pie and gives the best hugs.”

“Of course she does.” Shaking my head, I glance toward the closet and lock eyes with Riley’s. With his hands sunk deep in his pockets, he rocks on his heels and watches me with a potent mix of hunger and humor. He’s standing right there. He’s not backing down. He’s meeting my gaze head on, and he ain’t blushing.

Damn him for being sneaky sexy.


I roll my eyes and turn back to my dance partner. “Fine, I’ll leave him be.”

“Good girl.” Winking, Oz spins me out until I crash into Benny’s chest and Oz steals his wife back.

“Hey, Aunt Andi.”

“Aww, hey, baby.” Despite the fact he’s half my age and I swear he was a toddler only last week, I have to reach up to fix Benny’s flower. “You grew up on me, huh? You look so handsome tonight.”

“Aww, thanks.” He pulls me in close. “You look real pretty. I like your dress.”

I lay my face on his broad chest and breathe him in. He’s not my nephew exactly. He’s my cousin’s son, which makes him my… second cousin? Cousin twice removed? Hell if I know, but from the time he was four, we shared a home and I got to do all the things I missed out on in his first years. His dad was an abusive piece of shit that alienated my cousin from the rest of us. He abused her in every way imaginable, so when she finally shot that douche in the head and came home, I lapped up Benny and his little sister, and didn’t let go again for a whole decade.

“You should come back with me, Benny.” I pull back to meet his eyes. “I have to go home tomorrow, and I’ve missed you so much. You have enough time to pack your bags.”

Laughing, he shakes his head. “I can’t leave my mom. No way in hell am I walking away now. Shit just got good.”

I allow my sixteen-year-old cousin twelve-times-removed to spin me out. “She’s okay now. She’s got that big strong cop looking out for her, but now I’m all alone.” I’m only kidding. I love living on my own, and I would never take him with me. Lindsi would have a heart attack if he even considered leaving her. But teasing is still fun. “Who’ll protect me now, Benny? The city is big and scary, and maybe some criminal wants to steal my roll of quarters.”

He rolls his eyes and watches a table of girls over my shoulder. He’s not my baby anymore, and action figures aren’t what makes his eyes light up these days. “You should move here.” His light blue gaze comes back to mine. “You said you were thinking about it.”

I shrug. “I was considering it. I’ve missed you.”

He wraps his long arms around my shoulders and squeezes me the way I used to do to him when he was little. “You don’t need to go back there. Move here with us, I’ll share my room…” He clears his throat. “For, like, one night until you get set up.”

“Only one night?” I slap his ribs. “Only one? Then what? You kick me into the street? Where’s the loyalty? Where’s the love?”

“I can’t share my space for longer than that, Aunt Andi. It just wouldn’t be right.”

I shake my head and allow him to spin me out. “Whatever, kid. I’ll ask Livi to share her room. She was always my favorite, anyway.”

“Yeah, well she–”

I feel his warmth first. Then the clearing of his throat. “Ben. Can I cut in?”

Benny’s eyes turn dark in an instant. “Riley… I’ve seen this show before. No, you may not cut in. Stay the fuck away from my aunt.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark