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“When are they coming in now?”

“Next week,” Jay adds. “You need to tell your people you got a new tip. Hayes is playing whack-a-mole; he’s trying to get them in when you turn your back. But you guys keep watch over the hole and stop him each time he moves his plans.”

“I’ll call in the tip. My boss is either gonna give me a raise for always being in the know, or he’ll arrest me for treason or some shit. I can’t know what I know without having someone on the inside.”

“Youdohave someone on the inside,” Kane huffs. “He has to know that, but informants are protected. You keep your mouth shut, or we’re all dead.”

“Alright, I got it.” Frustrated, I run a hand over the back of my neck. “I’ll make the call, but I’m not meeting you assholes tonight. I have shit to do and no time for you.”

“Does the deputy know you’re banging his family?”

I crack the seal on my water and laugh under my breath. I should be concerned they know who she is, but thugs or not, they’re not a threat to me. They’re actually – dare I say it –friends. “Don’t think so. He probably would’ve hit me already if he did.”

“She’s pretty,” Jay adds in a creepy drawl. “I got a thing for blondes, personally. But yours is pretty enough I could pretend.”

“Or, you could keep your hands and eyes to your fucking self before I accidentally shoot you in the head at next week’s shindig.”

Kane laughs. “Quit it, you little bitches. She’s yours, Cruz, so don’t sweat it. Jay just likes to look at what he can’t have.”

“I could get her if I wanted! I could go into that diner right now and introduce myself. She’s already primed… but then, so’s Katrina. What are the chances of a twofer?”

“About as likely as me running you down with my truck. In fact, consider a direct correlation. You go into the diner; you meet the bull-bar on my truck. Don’t go in there; you’ll be just fine.”

“Relax, Cruz.” Kane speaks over the sound of a lighter flicking on, then the exhalation of smoke. “He’s not going anywhere near her. He just likes to tease, and we’ve got work to do. Hayes wants us to meet some fucker in the morning to exchange documents. Three hours there, meet him at three, three hours home, pass out when the sun comes up.”

“You better go have a nap now, then.” I tip my water back. “I dunno if you noticed, but I’m a cop, and I’m on shift. I busted my ass in the academy to graduate top of my class, but it’s all for naught when my boss finds out I’m in your pocket.”

“We’re federal agents, Cruz. Untwist your panties and relax. We’re notactualfucking criminals.”

“Yeah? I’m not so sure my boss is gonna stop and let me explain that. If I lose my job over this, what are you gonna do to make it better? I’ve got a mortgage to pay.”

“You’ve also got protein shakes to buy, and gym memberships to pay for.”

“Fuck you, Jay!”

Kane laughs. “Nothing. I’m gonna do nothing, because I’m not your mother, I’m not your brother, and I’m not your priest. But I bet if you went and cried on your mom’s shoulder some, she’d pat your hair and pull your dick.”

“Fuck you, Bishop. Don’t talk about my fuckin’ mom.” I slide my thumb over the screen and hang up on their laughter. “Assholes.” Pushing my truck door open with none of the mellow I felt after running into Andi, I push back into the station and move to my desk to eat. I’m starving, I’m horny, and I’m probably gonna lose my job or my life at some point this year.

Sitting down, it takes entirely too long to process the scene in front of my eyes. My lunch remains where I left it. Nothing looks out of place… until it does. “Who took my fuckin’ brownie?”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark