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That’s a lot of questions.

I stop and take a deep breath.

His lips twitch. “You’ve decided.”

“How do you know my name? You knew it last night. How’d you know?”

Quick as a flash, he produces my license as easily as he produced a knife last night. “You dropped this. I found it.”

With still shaking hands, I reach out the way I might be reaching for a snack from a growling dog’s teeth. “You found this? Lance doesn’t have it?”

Smug grin gone, his eyes turn dangerous. “No. Lance never saw this.”

“He doesn’t know my name? Where I live?”

“No. He won’t be a problem for you anymore.”

Studying my card, swallowing down the burning tears determined on making me look like a fool, I breathe through the whooshing in my head.

I’m hungry. Exhausted. In shock.


“Thank you.” I meet his eyes. “For returning this. For saving me. For making it so I can sleep tonight without worrying he might climb through my window.”

“I told you,” he bites out. “This isn’t a fairytale world, Jess. Not everyone gets a second chance. You shoulda taken care of him while you had the chance. Instead, you have bags under your eyes, so I know you didn’t sleep last night.”

I shake my head in answer. That’s all I have to offer.

“So now that you admit that lie, answer the rest; are you in pain?”

A lone tear, treacherous and weak, slides along my cheek as our eyes meet.

In silence, I look down to my side, peel my jacket back, and swallow at the sight of my white blouse turned red from oozing blood.

“Ah, fuck.”

I don’t see him move before my legs give out.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark