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Braver than I would be if our roles were reversed, the man turns to the stairs and slowly moves forward. Kane is heavy, and though the man struggles and pants within three stairs, he slowly works his way up.

Please don’t be a bad guy.

Please don’t be a bad guy.

Please don’t be a bad guy.

I can’t take any more this week.

Kane vomits as they move, but it’s more of a choked dribble, since his stomach is officially empty. I walk a wide berth around the stranger and stop at Kane’s front door. Glancing between the doorknob and Kane’s dangling legs, I realize I don’t have keys. Kane would, obviously, but to get them, I need to get much, much closer to the man. Pushing my hands into Kane’s jean pockets will render me useless if the man decides he’s done being a good samaritan.

Indecisive, shaking like a dry leaf, I knuckle tears away with my gun hand and send the man backing away.

“Girl! You need a fuckin’ intervention. Put the damn gun down and open the door.”

“I don’t have a key.” I drop my hands so the gun points at my feet. “It’s probably in his pocket.”

“Just open it. I assure you, this building has no locks. It’ll be open.”

With narrowed eyes, I sidestep closer to the door and gingerly tap the handle. I nudge it open, and when the man moves forward and crowds me in the doorway I squeal and blindly aim the gun. “Step back!”

“Put your fuckin’ gun down, you idiot. I’m trying to make sure the place is empty.”

“Please don’t hurt us.”

“I already promised I wouldn’t, so cool your shit. Follow me in and close the door. Keep your gun ready, but stop fuckin’ pointing it at me.”

He warily moves through the entrance and peeks into Kane’s single bathroom. Flipping the lights on, he illuminates Kane’s half open eyes, but only the whites, which are more of a red. Declaring the bathroom safe, he moves into the living room and turns a full circle. There’s nowhere for an intruder to hide – not even under the bed which has a solid base and stops only two inches off the floor.

He glances up and gives me the go ahead to shut the door. Thoughtlessly, I swing it closed and realize too late that I’ve enclosed myself in this apartment with an unconscious Kane and a strange man who’s stronger than he appears.

I back up until my body is pressed against the timber. “Lay him down, then leave.”

“Don’t worry, girl, I ain’t sticking around. You’re likely gonna shootsomebodyat some point tonight, and I’d rather it wasn’t me.” Grunting, he brings Kane’s lifeless body over his shoulder and slams him onto the mattress. “Keep him on his side all night. Or watch him. Whichever. If he vomits again, he could choke and die. Don’t let him.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

He turns to me with an incredulous expression. “How the hell’m I supposed to know? I just met you! Don’t leave him alone. He’s out, so if he spews, he’ll choke.”

“Okay. Do you… do you think his fever is a problem?”

Leaning over Kane like they’re brothers, he presses his hand to Kane’s brow, then his throat. “I dunno. Maybe grab a washcloth and put it on his forehead every now’n again. His pulse is weird. I ain’t a doctor, but the way it’s going ain’t normal. You sure you don’t wanna go to the hospital?”

My hands shake. “He said not to. He’s usually right, so I have to do as he says.”

Chuckling, the man dusts his hands off on the thigh of his jeans. “Okey dokey. I’m outta here. If he dies tonight, you never saw me. I don’t have time or leniency to get wrapped up in this shit. In fact, even if he doesn’t die, forget you met me. You’re super woman, you carried him up here yourself.” Moving toward me, he stops when I lift the gun. “I just wanna get out, girlie. Let me out. I won’t touch you.”

Edging along the door and out of the way, I step aside and allow him space to brush through.

“Put your pots and pans up. Then keep the gun nearby. If your friend survives whatever the fuck is wrong with himandyour gun, buy that son of a bitch a lottery ticket tomorrow.”

“He will survive. I promised I wouldn’t let him die.”

With a wink, he steps into the hall and closes the door most of the way. “That’s the spirit, darlin’. Catch ya.”


“Don’t forget the pots and pans. And get him a spew bucket. And a washcloth. And water.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark