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Was she standing right where I stand now?

She watched me fight, watched me lose. And she followed my ass out into that alleyway to help me, despite the danger.

“You’re getting a little possessive, huh? The girls like that. They think it’s sexy.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Just a taste? One time. Just the tip.”

I turn until we come toe to toe, lift my brow, and rest a hand on my hip. “I’ll gut you like a fish, Jay. I love you, but I’ll shit on your corpse if you touch her. I’m not sharing, so get it outta your head right now before I cut your nuts off.”

Scrunching his nose, he chuckles and turns back to the boxing ring as two big ass brothers beat the shit out of each other. “I’m just teasin’, Bish. She’s all yours. I’ll protect her with my life, I promise.”

And just like that, Jess now has two of Abel’s best enforcers promising a lifetime of protection.

How does she wield her power? How does she control such an army without trying?

“Hopefully you never have to.”

“You said she’s a danger magnet.”

“She fuckin’ is. She hangs with me, for starters. Shechoosesto hang with me, sleeps in my bed, lets me sew her up. She’s willing to talk her cop friends down if I promise to stop being a criminal.” He snorts at that. “She’ll get me a job doing anything I want so long as I stop killing people; her words, not mine. She had a run in with Lance, then with another guy last night, and you saw her with Dolly today. She’s a damn menace. And on Christmas mornings, apparently they beat on each other and shoot to get the last of whatever food everyone else wants.”

“Fuck me.” He slaps my shoulder in support. “I dunno if you can handle that kinda crazy. Our life is already fucked up. You need to get away from here, then you need to marry someone like that fat lady, Dolly.”

Barking out a laugh, I watch the smaller of the two men in the ring pin the other. His fists slam down over his opponent, breaking bones, and yet the spectators do nothing but pass more money around. “I dunno, Jay. Dolly seemed kinda crazy, too. I think she likes me.”

“It doesn’t matter that she’s twice your age. I bet when she takes her teeth out at night, those gums feel good around your cock.”

“You’re fucking sick.” I shove him away with a laugh and shake my head. “I don’t even understand you, man. Not much grosses me out, but you’ve officially crossed the crazy line.”

“It’s this place.” Like a nervous tic, he scratches his arm as Abel’s eyes burn into our skulls. Together, we look up to the office window and find him watching over his empire with a gun in his hand and soldiers standing on either side of him.

His eyes bore into mine.

“Fuck me.”

Lifting his chin just once, Abel says everything he needs to without saying a damn thing at all.

It’s a summons.

An order.

A threat.

Sighing, Jay follows me toward the stairs. “I hate this place, Bish. It’s sending me crazy every single day.”

“I know.” I really, truly do. “Come on.” I tap his arm in the only show of companionship we ever truly give. This place has no room for friendships, no room for connections or loyalties. Abel demands it all. “Let’s go up. It’s time to work.”

“I don’t wanna. I can’t take anymore.”

“I know.” I go first, because that’s what brothers do, they lead the way, they forge ahead, they take the first line of attack. “Keep your mouth shut. Let’s coast tonight.”


Stepping between two two-hundred and fifty-pound giant ass motherfuckers when we reach the top, we pass through a short hallway and emerge into Abel’s large office. He stands in the same position he was when watching us through the glass, but now he turns to face us with a smug grin. “Gentlemen.”

I take a step to my left to push Jay back. “Abel. What’s on the schedule for tonight?”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark