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Twinkling eyes flicker between mine and my lips. He brings his tongue out to moisten his.

I shouldn’t notice.

I shouldn’t care.

I should punch him in the face and walk home.

But I don’t. I stare at the shine on his bottom lip.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, just kiss her already.” My eyes snap down to the phone, the call still live, the volume turned up, then come back to his. “We all wanna go home and touch ourselves now,” his friend obnoxiously pushes on. “Look at poor Dolly. Give the woman something to remember you by.”

“No.” I push back with both hands on Kane’s chest. “Do not give Dolly something to remember us by.”

He leans forward, and every inch I push away, Kane replaces with his body until we’re standing toe to toe, thigh to thigh, chest to chest. He’s taller than me, and his lips are far more determined. Bringing them to the tiny scar on my neck, he hides in my hair and slides his tongue over my flesh. “Don’t sell me for breakfast again, Blondie. That hurts my feelings.” Swatting my ass, he releases me and watches me flop back onto my stool. “We’re not leaving yet, Dolly. She’s gotta eat every last thing on her plate.”

“She’s too high maintenance for you, sugar. You deserve someone like me.”

“Nah.” He drops a kiss on my stunned lips and cups my cheek. “She took a knife in the gut this week. Didn’t even cry about it. She’s exactly right for me.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark