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“Want me to touch you?”


Chuckling, I continue drawing my name into her leg. “Will you scream my name, Blondie? I’d come so much fuckin’ harder if you screamed my name and begged me to fuck you harder.”

Panting in my ear, she rests her hands on my thighs for support, pushing all of her weight onto me so she doesn’t slide to the floor.

“Imagine if we were alone right now… would we be fucking?”

“We shouldn’t…” Licking her parched lips, she shakes her head on my shoulder. “It’s wrong. It’s bad. You’re a criminal.”

“I do bad shit all the time. But you wouldn’t be wrong, Jess. You’d be so fucking right.” I inhale the scent behind her ear until goosebumps race along her skin and pucker beneath my fingertips. “Imagine my cock inside you – you know what I’ve got, you know how big I am. And I’ve had my fingers in your pussy, so I know how tight you are. Put those together, beautiful.” I slide my tongue along her scar. “I want your nails on my back, holding me down, demanding more.Harder.”

“Kane… stop.”



“Come.”I bite her neck and catch her when she jolts forward. I could make her come with words. I could do it, and she’s powerless to stop it. “Ever been fucked by someone like me before?”

“Someone like you?”

“Mmm. A thug. A criminal. I’m not your prince, beautiful, I’m the bad guy. Did you ever watch Aladdin and wonder why Jafar turned you the fuck on when he made Jasmine his slave?”


“Yes.” I nudge her face with my nose. “I’m not the guy you’ll find your happily ever after with. I’m the bad guy tempting you with something forbidden. Ever done that before, Jess? Ever fucked someone just because you could, not because he might be Mr. Right?”

“Mr… No.” Rolling her head, her breath saturates my chest. “No, I haven’t.”

“It’d break you. For the rest of your life, you’ll compare other men to me. And you’llneverfind that same kind of fulfillment. There’s no one on this planet that’ll fuck you like I would.”

“You’re so sure of yourself?” Her breathy voice ruins the intensity she’s going for.

“Uh-huh. I’m sure of myself… with you. I’m not saying I’ve ruinedallwomen. Because all women aren’t you. But you and me… we’d make a fuckin’ firestorm. Thunder and lightning, Jess. I’ll go boom and you’ll light the skies.”


My phone chirps in my pocket. Loud, obnoxious, mood ruining music that makes Jess snap to attention. Like a bucket of water was tossed on her head, her spine snaps straight as her eyes wheel around like she forgot we were in public.

“Fuck.” Instead of touchingherleg, I dig into the pocket against mine and pull out the cell I have to answer. If I don’t answer, I’m a dead man. Sliding my thumb across the screen, I slam the phone against my ear. “What?”

“Get off that pretty girl, Kane. You have work to do.”

“Fuck off, Jay. I’m off until tonight.”

“You’re never off, playa.” Laughing, the telltale click of his lighter makes me crave a cigarette like I already fucked the beautiful woman beside me. Snagging her hand before she bolts, I twine our fingers and anchor her to the stool.

“What do you want?”

“Just checking in. Didn’t want you to get arrested for having sex in public.”

“If you know what’s happening, then why are you checking in?”

Chuckling, he blows out a noisy puff of smoke. “That’s what friends are for.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark