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I shrug away the scratch I saw in the mirror earlier.Yesterday? The day before?“It’s nothing. Just a scratch.”

“It’s enough to bleed. He marked you, and that pisses me the fuck off. Your life wasthatclose to over, Jess, and you don’t seem to get it.” Sliding his rough hand along my arm, the other around my neck, the friction of his calloused touch on my sensitive skin sets my blood on fire.

Like he feels it too, like he knows the warring instincts inside me, his hardened cock shamelessly presses against my back. “You licked me already.” His deep breath bathes my shoulder. “I’m a man whose life depends on payback. An eye for an eye. In our case, that would mean a lick for a lick.”

Before I can form a response, before I can guard up and run away, he slides his tongue along the mark Lance left on my neck.

My eyes snap shut, and my toes curl against the floor. “God…”

“Mmm.” Peeling my hair back and bending my neck, he slides his warm tongue along my skin, down to my shoulder, and with my hair fisted in his hand, he works around to the hollow of my throat.

My brain is fried. My circuits, dead.

My vaginaneedsto be touched.

I don’t know this man. I know only what’s in my reports –my reports on a criminal.I have stitches in my side, stitchesheput there, and I’m basically naked.

Fuck my life.

“Swear to God, let’s just fuck, Blondie. I won’t hurt your stitches, I promise.” I groan when he gently tugs my skin between his teeth. He slides a broad hand around and cups my breast. Heavy. Full. Sensitive. “Youwant it.Iwant it.” Daringly, he slides his hand over my hip, over my thigh, and taps my clit before my brain catches up.


With skilled fingers, he slides them under the fabric and along my wet slit.

“Fuck.” He bites my earlobe. “You want me so fuckin’ much.”


“Yes.” He slides two fingers in without waiting for me to object. “Yes. You want me almost as much as I want you. Fuck, Jess. I could come already.”


“Yes.” He slides his tongue along my neck. Pumping two thick fingers inside me, he forces me to stretch and try not to jump out of my skin when his pinky finger slides down to my ass.

Dear lord.

Thank you.

I’m done.

“You’ll scream in three minutes flat.” He pulls my face around until our lips feather close. Sliding his tongue over my bottom lip, I scrunch my eyes shut as his taste invades my senses. His scent. His overwhelming presence. “Then we can both go back to work. Maybe catch a nap around mid-morning.”

“Nap.” My throat is dry. I can’t breathe. “Work.”


Snapping my eyes open, I look down to the tattooed arm wrapped around my stomach. The large hand that stretches my panties and plays me like a guitar. “No!” Jolting forward, I tear his hand away and slam against the wall. “Oh my God. No! Don’t touch me!”

Frowning, then smirking, he holds two fingers up like a gun, points them to the sky, and slides his tongue to the tip. “Come back and let me finish. You know you wanna.”

“No! I don’t. Jesus, Kane. I don’t know you. You’re a fucking criminal. The chief is trying to get you assholesoutof this town. It’s my job to watch you, to build a case against you, not to fuck you. What the hell is the matter with you?”

“The matter withme?”He looks down his muscled body. To his still standing dick. To the wet patch soaking through the silk. “I still haven’t come. That’s what’s the matter with me. You try to fuck me in my sleep, and you parade around in cute little panties. You let me taste you. Touch you. Then you leave me hanging.”

“I didn’t let you touch me! You did it without my permission.”

“And you licked my chest and fucked my leg without my permission. I thought that’s what we’re doing. Figured you were into the non-consensual shit.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark