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“You’re a cop?” He casually kicks one ankle over the other and leans against a Chevy pickup truck. “I know the cops around here. You aren’t one of them.”

“Alex? You know Alex?”

His eyes narrow. “I might.”

“Call him. Tell him Bishop said hey. Tell him I’ve gone to Infernos.”Get the cops there. Get help.

“Infernos? That filthy club no one goes to unless you already have STDs and a death wish?”

“Yeah, that one.” I sprint to the next car. “Tell Turner he has to go there. And to watch his six. He has a contract on his head.”

No longer casual, he pushes off the truck. “A contract on his head? Why the fuck would I send him there to die?”

“Tell him Hayes has the girls. Tell him the twins are at the club.” I rush to the fire-engine red Charger and slam my hand against the locked door. “I need a fuckin’ car!”

He sprints forward and unlocks the driver’s side door. “Get in!”

“No, you gotta–”

“The twins?” His gray eyes lock onto mine. “Laine and Jess Lenaghan?”

“Yes! Give me the fucking keys and get out!”

The engine roars and rocks on its chassis when he turns the key. “Get in, motherfucker.”

Fuck it.I slide over the vibrating hood and swing the passenger door open. Tossing my backpack in first, I don’t even get my ass on the seat before the monster car skids along the loose gravel parking lot.


I nod and unlock my phone screen. “Infernos. Go fast.” I dial the local police station.

“Hello?” The receptionist shouts over chaos on her end. “Hello? This is Britt.”

“Britt, this is Kane Bishop. Put Turner on.”

“Bishop?” Her voice raises several octaves. She knows my name, and so do the thirty other voices that screech around her. “You need to come in. X is searching for you.”

“Put him on the phone! I need to speak with him.”

“He’s not here! He’s looking for you.”

“Is he looking for the twins?”

“What twins? Our twins?”

“Yes! Fuck.Yourtwins! Put Alex on the fuckin’ phone.” I grab the the ceiling as this dude rips the Charger around a corner and rockets toward the edge of town. “Hayes has them.”

“Hayes has… Hayes has who? Jess?”

“Yes! Put Alex on the fucking phone!”

“He’s not here.” Her angry voice turns to a whimper. “He’s not here. He’s out there looking for you. I didn’t know… I thought they went home with Jules. Riley was hurt, so…”

“Riley’s hurt?”

“Yes! He got shot. Luc’s here because Riley’s dying, and Alex went back out because you hurt Riley.”

“I didn’t hurt Riley! Hayes did. He took the girls to the club. You need to get your cops over there.” My breath comes shallow, like my chest is caving in on itself.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark