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Did the girls say his name? Did the twin say his name while I had her trapped at the cells? Did Flynn say his name?


I know what he looks like, I know the ink on his hand, but I don’t know his name.

Drawn to her as intensely as a drug addict is to his hit, I take out my cell, turn the screen brightness down, and open the text box to Jess’ name. It’s like I canfeelher women’s rights lecture again.

Jess:I’m mad that you ran away. I’m mad that you make out you’re guilty. You’re not! You’re not a bad person, but running says you are. I’m so mad at you.

Jess:I’m mad that you left me here.

Jess:I’m mad you kissed my sister. I’m mad that she’s been hurt and I didn’t know about it. She’s my twin, and I didn’t know she was hurting.

Jess:I was mad at her for spending all her time with Graham, but all the while, she was hurting.

Graham. His name’s Graham. Thank you, Jessie.

Jess:I’m so fucking mad at you, Kane! You knew this was coming. You knew you’d run and leave me all alone. That’s why you took me to Spencer’s. You knew you would leave, and you never warned me.

Jess:I’m not done with you, asshole! You didn’t give me a chance to say goodbye.

Jess:I’m mad that you’re not replying. And I’m mad that I can be mad and worried at the same time.

Jess:Don’t hurt my cops. That’s the only thing you can do that I won’t forgive. They’re my family, and I know you don’t like them, but I won’t forgive you.

Jess:Please don’t make me choose between them and you.

Jess:I’m mad that you’re reading these right now. I can see the ‘read’ banner. You’re RIGHT THERE but you’re not answering me.

Jess:I’m madthat I fell in love with a guy like you. You’re an asshole, but I still love you, and now my heart hurts because you ran away before I could tell you.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark