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I make it sound so easy. I make it sound like I’ll be at that dinner.

I’m pretty sure Kane will be facing felony charges any day now.

Jesus, who am I to give relationship advice? My sort-of-boyfriend is a criminal. He’s a bad man. He hurts people.

But he’d never hurt me.

“There’s more, Jess.” She nervously clears her throat. “There’s heaps more. Graham… he…”

I spin when my phone dings on the bedside table. Snatching it up, I scramble to unlock it – usingKane’sbirthday as the password; a fun little change that he implemented without telling me – and rush to the text screen to find a message.

Not from Kane, but from Jules.

Jules:It’s done. They have two men in custody and one in a body bag.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

My sister and her relationship go forgotten as my fingers scramble over my screen to reply.


Jules:Bishop, Flynn, Chadwick. Wanna come with me tomorrow to talk to them?


Jules:Yeah. I’m not going tonight. Bishop’s in the cage. And Chad’s at the hospital.

A sob tears up my throat.

Me:Who’s in the bag?

Jules:Flynn. Bishop executed him point blank.

I drop my head into my hands and push my overworked brain to the limits.Think! Think!

Me:Why? Who hurt Chad?

I don’t even know who Chad is.

Jules:Bishop did both guys. Alex saw. I don’t know why. I don’t particularly care. I love when the bad guys take each other out. Saves the good guys time and trouble.

Do I know how to organize a prison break? Do I know how to get past Alex in his own station? Do Iwantto aid in a prison break?

Me:What about Hayes?

Jules:He wasn’t there. He’s smart, but we’ll get his guys to talk.

Me:Will the DA negotiate? Leniency for information…

Will Kane listen when I ask him to sell Abel out?

Jules:I know you hate that, Jess. I know you hate the DA, but it’s her job. If Chad wants to nark on Bishop, we’ll take it. If Bishop wants to toss Abel under the bus, we’ll take that, too. Abel’s organization is fracturing. One of them is tearing the station apart. The other’s unconscious and riddled with holes. Now it’s a race to who squeals first. First one to talk gets the deal, the other one goes to prison.

Me:Riddled with holes?

Jules:Bullet wounds. Three of them.

Me:Alex shot him?

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark