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Actually, it kinda is. But who I am to spout off the law?

“I meant no disrespect.” I grin the way he does when he’s playing with his soldiers. “I was just making small talk.”

“Don’t. Now get up and go to work.”

“What am I on today?” I stand and slide my hands into my pockets. “What’s on the schedule?”

“We’ve got a new shipment of girls coming in, since we lost a couple last night. You need to check in with Flynn. Make sure everyone’s settling in. Remember, we have a brand to maintain. Quality blow, quality blow jobs. Keep the standards up.”

“Yes, Boss.”

“And Jen’s transferring a new shipment over. When it’s time, I’ll give you the green to meet her out back.”

Handguns. Semi-automatic. Awesome.“You want them in the warehouse, too?”

“Yeah. I’ll have someone through to audit the warehouse next week. Even guys like us need to audit, make sure everything’s as it should be. Make sure my own guys aren’t ripping me off.”

“Alright.”Where’s Jay?“I’ll wait for your order.”

“Good. Go downstairs. Check on the girls, then you’re on the door. We’re a respectable club, Bishop. We don’t let underage in. Keep it clean.”

Fuck me.We don’t let underage in toparty. But we sell them every single day.

“Alright. I’ll put my earpiece in. You know where to find me.”

“I always know where to find you. Call your girlfriend and tell her to stay the fuck away. She messes with business every time she’s here.”

I snap my jaw shut at his final jab. “I’ll be around.”

As soon as I walk out of his office, I yank my phone out and dial Jay. I stomp down the metal staircase and let my eyes scout the club while the phone rings.

And rings.

And rings.

Biting off a string of curses, I hang up and dial Jess.


“Hey.” I push through the main door and brush past the bouncers. “You okay, beautiful?”

“Uh-huh. I’m at my apartment.”

“Anyone with you?”

“Just me. Is everything okay? Are you done with work for tonight, because I heard McDonald’s is hiring. It’s not midnight yet, so they’re still open; plenty of time to get your application in. I’ll be your first customer. I’ll tip. I’ll clean my own table,andI’ll kiss the chef.”

“Not flipping burgers.”

“I’ll kiss with tongue.”



I grin. “Spoiled brat.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark