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A Big Job

Istep into Abel’s office a few hours after Jess walked into hers – I watched, I waited – and stop just inside the threshold to study the men that stand around waiting for me.

Sitting at his desk, the man in power, relaxes back with a foot folded over his knee and his hands steepled beneath his chin.

He expected me to die two nights ago.

He never expected me to come back here.

Somehow, Jess created a chink in my armor,andhelped reinforce it at the same time. With her protection, I’m still immortal.

Flynn stands on Abel’s right, with his arms folded and his gold tooth winking, as he watches me with unconcealed hatred.

It’s not my fault I’m better in every way, he wouldn’t have been demoted if he was the best. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to do a job and do it well.

To stay alive.

And as of right now, to get out before they find Jess.

“Abel… You called me up here?”

“I did.” Arrogance drips from his tongue and sends my blood cooler. “It’s almost time.”

“The shipment?”

He just nods – short, sharp, and straight to the point. “I want you on the lead. I won’t be on site this weekend. Unexpected family obligations.” He waves his hand like I can’t see through his bullshit. “So I need you to spearhead. You need to be at Paddy’s for the handover, then you need to get the packages to the warehouse.”

“On Saturday?”

“Early. You can take Friday to sleep. Be fresh. Don’t fuck this up. Your life depends on it.”

“How much is coming in? Who’ll be with me?”

“Five-thousand pounds.”

Fuck me.“Of the same stuff we tried the other night?” I look at my boots as though expecting to find the dead girl still lying with her eyes open. “That’s enough coke to kill every teen in the country.”

He shrugs. “You said it was good. You didn’t die. Jay checked-in, which means he didn’t die either.”

“What about your blonde?”

He shrugs. “Collateral damage. She was smaller than you guys, so now we know our dosages. This shipment’s worth seventy-six million dollars to me, Bishop. You get it to my warehouse, free and clear, you get a hundred G’s to spend on that pretty girl of yours.”

And there it is – the threat without saying the words.

It’s not my life that depends on this shipment. It’s Jess’.

“Which pretty girl are you talking about?” I shoot my chin forward. “Nora was a good fuck. She was whiney, but she was tight and did her part. I’m ready for the next one.”

“No, not the kid,” he laughs. “The blonde.” Turning to Flynn, we watch him whip his phone from his pocket and pull up Jess’ social media profile. “Jessica Ann Lenaghan,” Abel continues with twinkling eyes. “Blonde and blue. Kinda cliché, don’t you think?”

“Who?”Play it off. Go to her. Get her the fuck outta town.“I don’t know that name. They’re usually so busy with my cock in their mouth, they don’t get a chance to tell me.”

Abel grins with pleasure. I’m the cat, and he’s the guy taunting me with a laser light. “Don’t play dumb, Kane. You forget I know everything. I know your whole world, and I know hers. I know she’s one of three siblings and I know she’s a lawyer. I know she’s got the hots for you, otherwise, why would she keep coming back to my club?” He leans forward and opens a file on his desk. Sickness roils in my belly at the sight of her standing with her brother. “Lots of family resemblance going on there. Wouldn’t it just be tragic if I pick them off one by one. Accidental, of course.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark