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“I didn’t leave you. You dropped me and didn’t come back for me.”

“Touche, but will you help me?”

“What kind of a party?”

“A Christmas party. I want people to have fun.”

“What about a scavenger hunt? Maybe have Christmas clues.”

My cell rang, breaking the conversation. “Gunner, thanks for returning my call.”

“What can I do for you, Asher? Too many girls after you?” Gunner chirped. “I’m sure I can send some reinforcement in for you.”

“I deserve that but, no, I’m not having female problems. What I’m really having is elf problems,” I mumbled.

“Elf problems?” Gunner asked, a little surprised. “Are we talking Lord of the Rings elf or Santa Claus elf?”

“More like Santa elf. I’m so confused,” I groaned. “It’s most likely someone dressed like an elf. But how are they in the mall after closing?”

“Let’s back up. Explain what’s going on,” Gunner said.

“I’ve been in the mall after hours twice now and have seen something that looks like an elf,” I said. “I’ve tried to follow it but never found anything. It’s like it disappeared.”

“Like a magical elf?” Gunner chuckled. “Charlie went through something like this years ago.”

“Really? Did you catch it?” I asked.

“No! We just took his bottle of rum away.” Gunner belly laughed.

“I wasn’t drinking. I haven’t had a drink in months,” I insisted. “I’m serious here. I had cameras installed in the mall today in hopes of catching this elf.”

“Well, the cameras are a good start. Do you want me to come?” Gunner asked more seriously now. “Never mind that. Just send the plane and I’ll come and get to the bottom of this.”

“Thanks. Can you come tomorrow?” I begged. “I don’t have time to be worrying about whatever this is.”

“I’ll be there by lunch time,” Gunner agreed. “Maybe I’ll bring the boys with me. It might be fun chasing magical elves.”

“Bring the gang. There’s no way anything in this mall at night doesn’t get caught with you guys here,” I said. “Call my pilot and set it up. Gotta go.”

I checked my cell to see if my other cell had messaged back. The phone was probably waiting on me to respond. I made a note in my cell to do a scavenger hunt.

“Sorry, Apple. I got an important call. I like the scavenger hunt idea.”

“I had another idea. What if you have an empty Christmas tree and have guests sign an ornament of some kind with their name, or a message? Then you can save them every year and guests can see what they wrote over the years.”

“Wow, you’re good at this. Did you go and get a career after I left you?”I joked.

“You admit it. You left me.”

“Not on purpose. I have to go. Ttyl”

I called my assistant, Nicole, and told her to order another large Christmas tree for the party, plus a few hundred ornaments of some kind that can be written on, then messaged the idea to my mother.

I might just have the best party of the year. I need music.

I sent Nicole a message to find a live band, maybe an orchestra, and to see if there is a company that can make scavenger hunt clues. Feeling pretty good about things. I headed to the security office to look at the cameras.

I know I saw an elf, or at least elf legs.

Tags: Farrah Lee Hawthorne Billionaire Billionaire Romance