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Mitch dropped me at the mall. I sent him on his way to have the afternoon free. I’d planned to stay until mall closing. I met with the decorator and her crew then walked the mall looking at everything. There seemed to be more customers than last week. I felt hopeful that once the Disney giveaway special started, it would draw more customers. I was looking over the solar panel area when I noticed a problem, so I called Johnny.

“Johnny, I’m in the mall looking at the area for panels from underneath and I see what could be a structural problem. I’m gonna make some new drawings and send them over to you in a few hours.”

“I think I know what you’re seeing. I made some notes to go over with you when you got back,” Johnny replied. “I’ll send you my notes now.”

I’d taken full advantage of the two hours in the car. I needed ideas to keep people coming to the mall after the Christmas holiday shopping. My mind had drifted back to the family and how much we’d enjoyed relaxing by the fire together. For the first time in a long time, I hadn’t felt like I needed to go out. I felt content. Thinking about that made me come up with the idea of a movie night by the fire in the mall. I was excited but needed to bounce it off of someone. I dialed my mother.

“Hey Mom, what do you think about my adding giant fireplaces in the mall and having movie nights? The food court could stay open as well as the bakery and coffee shop.” I stopped to take a breath. “It’s cold here for quite a few months and I think it would keep people coming in.”

“I love the idea. I’m just surprised my playboy son thought of it,” my mother said. “You feeling okay?”

“Mother, I have plenty of good ideas. I’m just finally taking the time to do some of them. Don’t overthink it.”

I called Johnny back to run the idea by him too, mostly from a physical building structure standpoint. Besides, I’d come to learn that Johnny was good at ideas.

“I have an idea that may or may not work out. I want to add a giant fireplace with a bunch of seating. Maybe we can have movie nights in the mall by the fire.”

“I like it. It would bring the families in on cold nights just to have something to do,” Johnny agreed. “Let’s talk about it tomorrow after I see your notes.”

I wentto the offices and rolled out the blueprints I’d been looking at in the car. The fireplace addition and movie night was exciting. There’d have to be a chimney, but we should be able to get that done. My cell buzzing was the first time I’d looked away from the drawings in hours without realizing it.

“Hey man, what’s going on?” I asked.

“Jade and I are going to see her father for a few days,” Sawyer said. “Did you need to meet up to go over the blueprints before I go?”

“I think I have it figured out, but I can email you.” I stretched and rubbed my neck. “What time is it?”

“Have you been drinking?” Sawyer accused.

“Really? If I was drinking I wouldn’t care what time it was,” I chirped. “Never mind, I just looked at my cell. Apparently, it’s ten o’clock. Now I may be locked in the mall.”

“You’re still at the mall working?” Sawyer sounded surprised. “Next thing you’re gonna tell me is you want a wife.”

“Very funny. And it’s wifey, not wife,” I corrected him. “Enjoy your trip. Tell the Admiral I said hey.”

I finished my call with Sawyer, tossed a few forms in my briefcase that I needed to fill out still, and headed out. It felt really weird to be in a mall that was completely empty and dimly lit. I was on my way to the main entrance when I saw a flash of something, or someone, to my right.

That looked liked a small person… like an elf.

I shook my head, laughing at myself. I was definitely over-tired if I was once again seeing someone. I wasn’t going to let this scare me or drive me crazy, so I walked further into the food court. I tried my best to tiptoe in case the person was hiding behind the counter.

Okay, do I look around the side real quick, or do I jump up on the counter and look over the top?

After a short debate with myself, I went with jump up and look over the counter. Of course, there wasn’t anyone there. I walked away feeling a little bothered by it. Instead of leaving, I went to the office to get Toby. It was, after all, his job to look around and be security. I knocked on the door.

“Toby, you in there?” I took a step back, waiting.

“Mr. Hawthorne, what are you still doing here?” Toby looked around me. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes, there is. I need you to come with me.” I gestured for him to follow me. “The other night I thought I saw a person in the food court, and again tonight.”

“Let me get my notepad. What did you see?” He readied his pencil. “Was it a person or just look like a person?”

“You would laugh if I told you what I thought I saw.” I made a frown face at him.

“Try me,” Toby paused. “Was there anything about what you saw that would be noticeable? Like clothes, hair color?”

“Toby, let’s just go look around. I’m sure it’s just me being over-tired.” I gestured for him to follow me out of the office. “Has anyone else reported seeing something in the mall late like this?”

Tags: Farrah Lee Hawthorne Billionaire Billionaire Romance