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“Of course, I’ll meet you in the living room in about thirty minutes.” I held the door open for her exit. “Does that give you enough time?”

“I told you already, I’m low maintenance. I’ll see you in twenty minutes. Unless you need more time?” Imogen chirped me as she passed through the door.

We both left the cockpit to shower and dress for the big event.

I rushed in and out of the shower, but lost time deciding what to wear. I wasn’t excited about dressing like Asher.

I think Asher is about to get an August make over.

I felt the silly grin on my face without looking in the mirror. I was looking forward to Asher finding out he dressed differently now.

Maybe I’ll even get a new wardrobe in Paris.

“Well look who decided to join us, Bond,” Imogen chirped me again. “You’re looking rather schmick.”

“I didn’t realize you were serious about that twenty minutes or I would have hurried.” I lied but she didn’t have to know that.

“I put on my nice suit, Sir,” Gunner said, straightening his tie for the tenth time in ten minutes. “After listening to you talk about paparazzi and making a showing, I figured I better be dressed.”

“I think you look rather handsome. You look like a real spy.” Imogen winked at Gunner then turned to me. “Are we ready to put on a show?”

Please Lord, don’t let mother catch the tabloids.

“I think we should hold hands exiting the plane. You may not see cameras, but when I travel international, they are always sneaking around somewhere.” I went through the details of Asher’s public lifestyle. “The most important thing is that we never show any signs of anger or weakness to each other in public.”

“Like a real marriage,” Imogen joked, while Gunner nodded to her in agreement. “What, as your fiancée, is a normal thing for me to be carrying? Because Poppy got me this pretty purse. Do I carry it or does Gunner?”

“Normally, coming off a plane or out shopping, your assistant would be carrying anything you have, like a purse.” I tried to think about how Asher’s tabloid shots with women usually looked. “Gunner will always be to your side or behind you. That will be up to him based on safety measures.”

Imogen had started out listening closely but now she was pacing in circles around the recliners. I could only imagine how she must feel being abused, then in hiding for nearly a week, and finally free- until we will be all over the magazines. Honestly, I wasn’t all that comfortable with it myself. I made a point to stay in the shadows.

Asher you owe me so big for this.

“Everyone, please buckle in for landing,” the pilot announced. “We’ll be touching down in five minutes.”

Imogen jumped in the closest recliner so quickly you’d have thought the floor was hot lava, and searched frantically for the seatbelt.

I haven’t thought about the hot lava floor game in a million years. Why the heck did I just think about it now?

I hadn’t noticed before how pretty she looked. The black eye had turned to an interesting shade of yellow, and the split lip she covered easily with lipstick. I found myself noticing things about her today that I hadn’t taken the time to notice before.

I’ve never been a man who likes redheads, but this color works for her.

She caught me watching her and gave me a silly shrug. She really was adorable.

Adorable? Asher has taken over my brain and I haven’t even landed yet.

I watched her take an exaggerated deep breath. She wasn’t kidding about not flying much. Gunner gave me a thumbs up. Clearly, he had been informed about the tabloid issues and I would bet Mother Dear had told him to keep Asher in line. The door was being opened. I put my hand out to take Imogen’s.

“You never said anything about the red stilettos I’m wearing,” Imogen said.

“I noticed you had on heels. Do the red stilettos mean something special?”

Chapter 27


Really? He doesn’t know the significance of the red stilettos? It’s like he has two personalities. Why would I wear these things for getting off a plane if he hadn’t asked me to?

Tags: Farrah Lee Hawthorne Billionaire Billionaire Romance