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My back hit the door, the knob jamming into me, but I didn’t care. Brax held his hand to my throat, not hard, but enough that I felt it. His tongue pushed past my lips, and I let it.

“God, I hate you,” he said, biting me before kissing his way down my throat.

“I hate you too.”

“Shut up.” He licked the hollow spot at the base of my throat. “You wanted to get under my skin all night, didn’t you? Got dressed up so I’d take one look and want you.”

“Yes,” I whimpered. I couldn’t believe he could reduce me to that, but he did. My cock throbbed, my body prickly and tingly as I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer.

“I hate that you turn me on so much.”

“The feeling is mutual.” Was it, though? I was fairly certain I liked it and wanted to know more about his aversion to jocks…to me. Brax tugged my collar down and bit into my shoulder. “Oh fuck.” I rolled my hips so our erections rubbed together. Braxton hissed.

With his forearms pressed against the door on either side of my head, he sucked my earlobe. “I can’t wait to work a load out of your balls…you know, show you how it’s really done.”

“Oh, fuck you. I know how to give head.”

“Do you? I’ve basically forgotten it already.”

We frantically worked open our jeans, shoved them and our underwear down our thighs, thrusting together as Braxton took my mouth in another searing kiss. He knew how to work his tongue. I couldn’t wait to feel it on my cock.

Braxton wrapped his fist around us, jacked the two of us off together, my balls dangerously close to release.

“No…fuck no. I want your mouth.” I didn’t know if we’d get this chance again. I shouldn’t hope so, but a part of me definitely did.

“Say please,” Brax told me.


“Then no.” He pulled back.

I dropped my head back, banged it against the door. I knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t suck me until I said it. “Ugh. You motherfucker! Please.”

He smiled, a big fucking smile, much wider and happier than the one he’d given the twink, then knelt, and in one swift movement, took my dick to the back of his throat. He swallowed around it, making my knees go weak. I fisted my hands and bit my bottom lip, which still stung from his teeth.

His mouth was so hot and good, sliding up and down my cock. He nursed the head for a moment, jerking me while he did. When he pulled off, my legs nearly gave out.

“Jesus, Sunshine. Get your mouth on my cock.”

“Look at me while I do it, then. You have to watch, have to see who’s giving you the best head of your life.”

Not a hardship, but still I said, “Mediocre so far.”

It earned me another grin.

Our gazes held while he swallowed me down, buried his nose in my pubes, then pulled back some and got to work again. My balls were ready to unleash, my whole body hot like I was going to pass out.

It was really good head. I didn’t know whether to be thankful because it felt awesome or pissed he was so great at it.

I thrust my hips forward, and he took it, my orgasm already bearing down on me. “Fuck, I’m not gonna last long. You want my load?”

The heat of his gaze seared me, made my whole body go up in flames as I thrust forward again, balls drawing up, spurt after spurt filling Braxton’s mouth. He swallowed it down, licked it off my crown like it was his favorite treat.

“Jesus,” I hissed. “I’m gonna die… I needed that… Fuck, I like your mouth.”

“I told you.” Brax stood, wrapped a hand around his shaft, but I swatted it away.

“If this is our last time, I want that.” Was this going to be our last time, or was Sunday still in the plan?

“Get on your knees, then, and suck my dick, Lacrosse.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice, and only a minute or two later, I was swallowing down Braxton’s load too.

I stood, and he was quiet as we wiped up and got dressed.

“Okay, so I have to admit, you know how to blow a guy. Are we still meeting up tomorrow? I mean, it’s head. Who says no to getting their dick sucked?” He didn’t respond. His eyes, his whole damn body, sort of closed down. “Hey, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. And nah. We got it out of our system. We’re done now.”

“Oh-kay. This is Brooding Brax on steroids.”

His lips twitched. He wanted to smile.

I couldn’t deny I was disappointed, but he was probably right. This was for the best.

When Braxton opened the door, Marshall was standing there with pink cheeks and his beefy arms crossed. “I’m ninety percent sure I know what was going on in there and a one hundred percent sure I don’t want you confirming anything.”

Tags: Riley Hart Franklin U Romance