Page 16 of Merciless Royals

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“We’ve already tried questioning people,” he pointed out. “It didn’t work.”

I smiled. “That’s because you didn’t have me.”

For a moment, an emotion I couldn’t quite identify passed over his face. He cleared his throat again. “Mrs. Rosania, I’m not sure if that will make a difference.”

“You have no idea who I really am,” I said, voice cold as ice. “And you have no idea what I’ll do to keep what’s left of my family safe.”

“So, what do you need me to do?”

“Find out when the next transfer is. Or any activity you can find on the Snake’s men. Then we can make a plan. Right now, we’re shooting in the dark. You and I both know that will lead nowhere.”

“The Snake has been pretty silent these past few days.” His fingers tapped against the table top.

“I have a feeling they won’t be silent for long.” The Snake had already made contact with me again. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was just the beginning.

“There’s one more thing,” I told him. “Before we can start our detective work, we need one more person.”

David frowned, looking puzzled. “Who?”

“My husband.”



Lead after lead fell through to the point where it infuriated me. After crashing that secret card party at the Rosania’s club, I hadn’t been able to track anyone else down. Running into my brother had thrown me off. For the next few days, I didn’t leave Wen’s apartment, instead choosing to stay indoors. Away from the shit for a few days. But I couldn’t stay here forever.

What Killian had said bothered me more than I thought it would. I had known he would spiral after what happened to our father, after I signed away our family’s rights to Sienna. Yet knowing it, and seeing it, were two very different things. I’d done that to him, even after he’d been getting better. After he’d tried to leave his old habits behind. I sent him right back into the shadowed dens, not giving a shit what would happen to him.

No, not me. The Snake. If it hadn’t been for this psycho, none of this would ever have happened. Sienna wouldn’t have been forced to take a position she hadn’t been ready for. I wouldn’t have been forced to give up everything. And Killian would probably be back to his old self by now. But none of those would-be’s and if’s mattered now. And they never would matter once I finally took them down.

It wasn’t just Killian I was worried about though. He’d said that Sienna had barely been able to leave the apartment. I didn’t know if it was because she was afraid or upset that I had left. I didn’t expect this from her. I thought she’d do what needed to be done, to take care of her people and make sure no one else suffered like our fathers had. Like my mother had. Instead, it sounded as if my leaving had been the final straw.

Mostly, I felt ashamed. This need for revenge was making me selfish, and I didn’t care. I liked the hunt. The need to take down whoever I believed wronged my family. I was starting to crave it. Each night, I looked forward to going out on the streets, finding more leads, and tracking them down. Hearing them cry and beg. But nothing ever came of it. By now, I was just doing it to fill the emptiness I felt inside, and I knew that I couldn’t face Sienna now. Not like this.

But I was getting nowhere.

“Are you done sulking yet?” Wen asked, walking through the front door. He immediately headed straight for the window, pulling up the shades.

I groaned, throwing an arm over my eyes to block out the light. “Why would you do that?”

“Because my apartment feels like a god damned cave,” Wen replied tightly. “Have you even cleaned it once since you’ve been here?”

“Been a little busy. You’re rich enough to have maids. Hire one.”

“I’m only rich because I don’t flaunt my wealth like some families,” Wen sniffed.

“A maid won’t empty your accounts,” I pointed out, turning away from the window.

“Get up.”


He kicked the couch, making it move a bit. “Get the hell up.”


“Because I might have some information for you.”

Tags: Ana West Romance