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The next few weeks go by without a hitch. Leo and I still spend a fair amount of time in the library working on our final world history assignment before the Winter break starts in the next few days. Peyton clued in the others on where we were, and it’s turned into a cram session for all of us to run through ideas and help each other with assignments.

Turns out that Jack’s in an advanced science class and their class will be coming to join mine next semester to revisit some of the basics. It hadn’t occurred to me that I never found out what he did more than it had nothing to do with learning about his future position in his father’s industry, so naturally I ask.

“Sport and exercise science.” Huh.

“Why?” He frowns over at me like he’s never been asked that before.

“I want to be a physiatrist. I have no desire or skill to play in the big leagues, but I want to help those who do. My family has enough money that no matter what I do I’ll never have to worry, but even if I did the job pays decent money.”

I’ve never heard almost three hundred thousand dollars be referred to as ‘decent money’, but when I guess your family is worth hundreds of millions, that amount is pocket change.

I nod, and when he asks me the same question of what I want to be when I graduate, I can’t answer. I just want to be free, and I’m going to start working on that.

Every day when I finally drag myself to bed, I’m exhausted. I find myself falling asleep easier every night and less time going through the files I downloaded from the Spencer’s computer. I have spent roughly an hour every night going through and I’ve yet to find anything of consequence. Some documents about travel times and shipments.

I’d sent them through to Clarke when I saw them and although he was pleased, he told me we needed more. So, every night I’m waiting until Peyton drops off into dreamland and pulling up the files.

It’s the last day of semester and the guys and I have planned a surprise celebration for Peyton. She’s been having a rough time of it lately, going into the bathroom more and more to cry hoping we wouldn’t notice.

She doesn’t want to talk about it and when I look to Jack for guidance on how to help his sister, he looks just as helpless as I feel. I get the idea that he knows what’s going on but is respecting her wishes enough to not say anything.

Nash has spent the last hour putting up all different colored streamers. Apparently, Peyton doesn’t have a favorite color, she likes them all, which is super strange and a totally Peyton thing to say.

Jack has been in our kitchen making homemade sushi as much as to my abhorrence. That’s fucking disgusting and you can’t convince me otherwise, but I’ll suffer in silence while the people I like most in this world become too disgusting to touch.

Leo’s just arrived back with more bottles of alcohol and cocktail mixers, getting right to work on setting everything up for quick access to drinks.

Me. I’m botching the cake. A chocolate mud cake with whipped cream and cherry drizzle. It sounds good in theory and I’m hoping it takes good because it looks like a child decorated it.

Jack laughs when he sees the mess of the cake, and the mess of me, taking a little bit of the whipped cream that landed on the counter and plopping it on my nose.

I rush him, not dealing with that level of disrespect and rub my cream covered nose all over his black shirt. Leo takes that moment to come into the kitchen and sees the mess of his friends shirt and scrunches his nose at him.

“Jesus man. Can’t you use tissues like a regular guy. At least where a clean shirt.” I howl in laughter and Leo grins over at me like I’m the sun, causing all sorts of flutter emotions I can’t explain to fly around in my stomach.

“It’s not cum, shit breath. Briar put cream on me.”

I don’t get a chance to respond because the door flies open, and a wailing Peyton rushes into the room. For a moment, no one moves, and then we go into a straight panic. Jack is over at her side in an instant pulling her into him and trying to get her to calm down. Nash is closing the door behind her and Leo is straight on the phone making sure there’s nothing online that could have caused such a stir.

“What’s happened? Peyton you need to tell me or I’m going to level the whole fucking building.” Jack hisses. I hit him lightly in the arm and scowl at him, she needs comforting words, not fucking threats.

“Ahhh, guys?” Leo calls out to us and then our phones ping with a message. I check it quickly, needing to know what’s happened.

It’s an engagement announcement followed by a photo of Juniper and Milo smiling at the camera.What the actual fuck is this?

My face must speak my thoughts because Jack nods like we’re formulating some plan, and Nash comes up and rests his hands on my shoulders.

“Plan the destruction of the world later. Right now, I think she needs you. Leo and I are going to go take care of this. Stay with them.” He whispers to me, kissing my temple lightly and leaving. Leo follows behind him, giving my hand a quick squeeze and shutting the door.

“Fucking both of my friends now, princess? New low.” Jack snarks at me. I thought we were past this, and honestly we don’t have time. I level him with a dark glare.

“Focus, asshole. You can bitch me out about my non-existent sex life later. Right now, we have more important things to worry about.”

He hesitates like he really wants to question me on what’s happening between me, Nash, and Leo. Honestly, his guess is as good as mine. I’ve kissed them both, and I think they both know that. Leo definitely does and if Nash has a problem with it, he hasn’t confronted me about it.

I go over and sit beside where Peyton is tucked against Jack’s chest, sobbing hard. I lay my cheek against her back and together we just hold her until she calms down.

I watch as my best friends heart continues to shatter in front of me and there is nothing I can do to help her.

Tags: W.I. Night Dark