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I hike my leg over the window ledge and step into my life of crime. The window isn’t far off the floor, and I’m able to shimmy in pretty easily. I close it behind me, not wanting to fill his apartment with bugs and make him suspicious of how they got in. Instead of turning on a light and risking being seen, I use the flashlight on my phone to make my way around.

Excitement rushes over me at knowing I’m surrounded by Dmitri’s things. There’s a bookshelf in the corner filled with books, but they’re all in Russian. My dad’s parents immigrated to America from Russia when he was a boy, and he was constantly teased as a child for not speaking English as well as everybody else. It bothered him so much that he put that part of his life completely behind him. He learned English and eventually refused to speak Russian at all. Needless to say, he didn’t teach me his mother tongue. I’ve tried to learn it a bit on my own, but it’s slow going. I’m pleased to see that I can read some of the titles on the shelf, though. It looks like Dmitri is full of surprises. He recycles and has a soft spot for the great Russian classics. My spy mission isn’t doing anything to make me like him less. If anything, it’s making him even more appealing.

I’m about to go explore the kitchen when I hear a noise that makes me almost pee my pants in absolute horror. It’s the unmistakable sound of a door being unlocked. I look to the window and know there’s no way in hell I’ll ever make it. My eyes dart around the room frantically, but it’s a loft apartment. There’s no place to fucking hide! With about one second to spare, I do the only thing I can do, I race up the stairs to the loft and lay down flat on the ground, hoping like hell the darkness up here will be enough to hide me. What the fuck is he doing back so quickly? It’s only been about fifteen minutes!

For one horrible second, I fear that he’s brought a woman up to his place and that I’m going to be forced to watch and hear them fuck, but I let out a sigh of relief when he walks in alone. Well, as much relief as I can feel while still being trapped. I feel like a frightened little rabbit caught in a wolf’s den. I can’t believe I was so stupid to break in. I try to focus on how I can escape. I’ll have plenty of time to contemplate my stupidity in my jail cell.

I watch from above as Dmitri walks to the couch and sits down. He’s practically right below me, and I’m amazed that he can’t hear me breathing. He grabs the remote and starts flipping through the channels. When he finds a hockey game, he stops and leans back to watch. He’s fidgety and seems irritated, and it’s not long before he’s pulling his phone out.

He scrolls through something and stops. I try to lean over a bit to get a better look and nearly get my head stuck in the damn railing when I see that he’s zoomed in on a picture of me. How does he have a picture of me? He scrolls through several more, and I realize that he must have taken photos of me at the table before the guys had shown up.

I’m so blown away by the fact that he took secret photos of me that it takes a second for the sound of a zipper being undone to register. My jaw drops when I see him pull the biggest cock I’ve ever seen out from his pants. Granted, I don’t have any experience with dicks in person, but I know enough to know he is fucking huge!

I watch mesmerized as he starts to stroke himself while looking at my photo. I know I should look away, that this is a huge invasion of his privacy, but I can’t take my eyes off the way he’s fisting that thick cock of his. I grip the railing tightly, knowing the second I let go my hands are going straight for my pussy, and I absolutely can’t let that happen. He’d hear me moaning for sure. Getting caught would be embarrassing enough. Getting caught with my hand buried in my panties would be beyond mortifying.

His breathing is heavier, and his cock looks angry and even bigger than it did a few seconds ago. I lick my lips, wishing I was down there wrapping my mouth around his thick head. After a few more vicious looking strokes, he cups his other hand around his head and comes with a feral sounding groan that sends a jolt straight to my aching center. His cock pulses as he continues to pump himself until he’s completely spent.

With a sigh, he mutters something in Russian and rests his head back, breathing heavily and looking so incredibly sexy. He gets up and disappears into the bathroom, and I ready myself, thinking this might be my chance. I hear the sink running, and I keep waiting for the shower, but it never comes on, and pretty soon he’s walking out and heading straight for the stairs to the loft.

I barely have time to shimmy my ass under his bed before I see his big, black boots walking just inches from my face. He kicks his boots off. A second later, I see the black T-shirt he was wearing hit the floor, followed by his jeans and boxers. Okay, so he’s naked and only inches of space separate his body from mine. Good to know.

I hear a click and then the room is flooded with soft light. I listen as he situates himself under the covers, and then I hear the sound of pages being turned. I bite back a groan. He’s reading. What if he’s an insomniac? I could be stuck here all night for all I know. Since the light is already on, I carefully slide my phone out and look at the time. It’s past eleven. I’ve already been here for about an hour. Making sure my phone is on silent, I send a quick text to my mom, letting her know that I’ll be back late.

She texts me back asking how everything is going, and I have to bite back a laugh at the absurdity of the situation.Oh, nothing much, Mom. Just broke into the home of the sexiest man alive, watched him jack off, and now I’m trapped under his bed. I’ll be home as soon as he falls asleep!

I settle onJust hanging out with Jamie. Everything’s fine. Be home later. Love u!

My eyes start to grow heavy, and I will myself to stay awake. My bladder is starting to feel full, and I hope like hell I can get to a bathroom soon. When I’ve convinced myself that he must be attempting to read all ofWar and Peacebefore falling asleep, he shuts off the light, blanketing us both in darkness. He tosses around a lot, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have a permanent carpet print on one side of my face for the rest of my life. I’m so tired and I really have to pee and I just want to leave and never do anything as stupid as this ever again. Jamie’s going to laugh her ass off when I tell her about it.

Right when I’m seconds away from falling asleep or peeing my pants or maybe both, I hear the wonderful sounds of a man who’s deep in sleep. He doesn’t snore, but there’s a heaviness to his breathing that tells me he’s down for the count. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly before very carefully dragging myself out from under his bed. It takes forever because every movement seems so loud in the quiet darkness of his loft, and I have to keep stopping to make sure he hasn’t woken up.

I slide out right by his clothes, and as soon as my nose picks up his scent, I’m like a fucking bloodhound tracking the most delicious smell in the world. When I feel his T-shirt beneath my hand, I grab it and bring it to my nose. Yeah, I’m definitely taking this with me. It’s stupid and gutsy, but what the hell is he going to do about it? I’ll be long gone by the time he wakes up. He’ll convince himself his mind is playing tricks on him, because what else could it be? A crazy stalker lady that broke in and hid under his bed? Yeah, I doubt that will be the first explanation he jumps to.

I guess all that slippery slope talk everyone likes to talk about might not be all that far off. I’ve just upped my crime from a little B&E to flat-out stealing without a moment’s hesitation. I wonder what I’ll be up to next week.

Cautiously, I stand up, letting the blood return to my limbs and getting steady on my feet before attempting the stairs. Dmitri’s breathing is still nice and even. There’s just enough moonlight coming in through the windows for me to see his profile. His face is relaxed in a way that it never seems to be when he’s awake. I want to run my fingers along his skin or, even better, run my tongue over that sexy scar of his, but I don’t dare. I may be crazy, but I haven’t stepped over to full-on insanity. Not yet anyway.

Giving him one last longing look, I turn and creep down the stairs like a cat that’s had her curiosity filled and is hoping like hell to not get killed. Thank God he’s not a messy person, and the way to the window is a clear path as soon as I make my way around the couch. I bite my lip and slowly raise the window. My whole body is tense, and my heart is about to jump out of my chest, but I manage to get the window up without a sound and crawl through in what is probably the world’s most unsmooth criminal move ever.

I let out a sigh of relief when I’m on the fire escape and the window is securely shut. Looking at my watch, I let out a soft groan when I see it’s already one-thirty in the morning. No wonder my bladder is screaming at me so loudly. I’ve held it for so long that it’s to the point of being painful. I hobble down the stairs hunched over and know I’m never going to make it all the way home like this.

There’s no one around, and I’m in so much pain at this point I can’t even stand up straight. Fuck this! I scurry over to a patch of grass that’s right against his building and nice and dark. Flinging his shirt over my shoulder, I barely have time to get my pants down and squat before I’m peeing. I can’t stop the sigh of relief I let out when my bladder finally begins to uncramp. I feel a little like a dog marking her territory, but, God, there was no avoiding this. I would’ve pissed my pants on the car ride home. My eyes frantically scan the darkness around me, willing my bladder to empty faster. I thought getting caught under Dmitri’s bed would be the most embarrassing thing ever, but I was wrong. This would be worse. Way, way worse.

When I’m finally finished, I hightail it out of there, practically running to the parking garage across the street. The tension doesn’t leave my body until I’m pulling into my driveway. A hysterical laugh escapes from my lips before I can stop it and soon I’m laughing so hard that tears are running down my face.

I can’t believe I just did that!

I could almost convince myself it was all a crazy dream, but the black T-shirt I’ve kept in my lap is evidence of my crime. Bringing it to my face, I inhale his scent and wish I was back in his room again, not hiding under his bed, but in it with him, tangled up in that gorgeous body of his.

Unable to get the image of him fisting his cock out of my head, and the way his face had looked so peaceful in the moonlight, as well as all that beautifully sculpted muscle, has me unbuckling my seatbelt with a quickness. I couldn’t get away with it at his place, but I’m in the privacy of my car and no one else is around and up at this hour. I’ve waited long enough to scratch this itch.

Just to be careful, I adjust my seat back as far as it will go so I’m completely hidden from view. Wanting to feel as close to him as possible, I cover my face with his shirt, surrounding myself with his scent before I slide my hand down my pants. I gasp at how wet I am. I knew my panties were soaked, but this is unreal. Sliding a finger in, I let out a groan of frustration because all I can think about is how thick Dmitri’s cock is and how my small finger is just not cutting it. Shoving my anger aside, I bring my wet fingers to my clit and focus solely on that. Dmitri is the only one who will be able to satisfy my pussy, but I need to come right now before I explode, so I work my fingers faster, rubbing in the fast, firm circles that I know will get the job done.

Snaking my other hand up my shirt, I give my hard nipple a good pinch and feel the pleasure build. I’m panting under his shirt, and I let his scent surround me as I imagine straddling his lap and lowering myself onto that thick dick of his. I can almost feel his strong hands on my hips, holding me still as he rams himself into me in a relentless, pounding rhythm. My body tenses as I bite back a scream and come hard against my hand. I work my fingers, greedy for all the pleasure I can get until I’m too sensitive to touch, and I have to stop.

Slipping my hand out of my top, I pull his shirt away and take in a lungful of air as I remove my other hand. My body feels a bit less tense, but I’m more frustrated than ever when I realize that I’ll never be able to satisfy myself in the way that I need and crave. I need him, not my damn hand and a shirt that he’s worn.

Feeling more frustrated than ever, I get out of my car and go inside. I’m careful to not wake my parents or brother, and when I’m safely in my room, I kick off my jeans, flop down on my bed, and burrow under the covers. I’m too exhausted for anything else. I fall asleep clutching Dmitri’s shirt like a favorite stuffed animal.

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic