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It’s well after breakfast by the time I drag myself out of bed. The first thing I do is send Jamie a text, asking if she can meet up for a coffee at our favorite café in an hour and then hop in the shower, eager to tell her about everything that happened.

I’m barely out of the bathroom when my brother grabs my arm and pulls me down the hall and into his room.

“Adam, what the hell?” I yell once we’re inside.

Adam is two years younger than me but already close to a foot taller. He runs a hand through his dark hair as he paces his bedroom, or tries to, while also avoiding all the dirty clothes he has strewn about.

“Where were you last night?” he asks.

“Out with Jamie. Why?” I say, hiding the panic that’s rising in my chest. There’s no way in hell he can know about me breaking into Dmitri’s place.

“Jason’s older brother said he saw you at the Arctic Fox last night.” Adam turns his eyes to me, and I’m surprised by the anger and worry I see in them. “He said he saw two huge Russians talking to you guys and that you walked off with one! He said it was Dmitri Volkov, Gina!”

He’s practically yelling, so I shush him and grab onto his arm so he’ll stop his ridiculous pacing.

“Yeah, we were there for a little bit, but it’s no big deal. Jamie kind of has a thing for one of the guys there. She just wanted to see him.”

“Why was Dmitri talking to you? Why did he lead you away?”

“He just came over because we were having some trouble with a couple of creepy guys. It’s really not a big deal, Adam.”

“Not a big deal? You know Dad has it out for that group. He’s always talking about how they’re up to dangerous shit. He thinks they may even be part of the Russian mafia.”

I laugh, but I know it’s not beyond the realm of possibilities here.

“That’s crazy. Dad just has it out for him because he’s Russian and he hasn’t been able to arrest him for anything.” When Adam still seems upset, I add, “There’s nothing going on, honest.”

“Just be careful, Gina. You don’t want to get mixed up in anything dangerous.”

I give him a hug, touched that he cares so much and promise him I’ll be okay. Adam and I have always been close, and I know I’m going to miss him like crazy when he leaves for college in a few months. The campus isn’t that far away, but he wants to live in the dorms and get the whole experience.

He’ll probably graduate before I even figure out what I’m going to do with my life. I just don’t know exactly what I want to do yet, and I don’t want a lifetime of debt just so I can take some classes and hope like hell I get it all figured out in four years. I’ve been working as a receptionist at a dental clinic close by, and I’m saving up for my own apartment. I don’t love it, but it could be a whole lot worse.

I give him another hug and tell him not to worry before rushing out the door to meet Jamie. The Morning Brewhaha has been our go-to spot since we started driving. It’s a laid-back place offering a variety of coffees and teas with a heavy dose of New Age mysticism. It’s not uncommon for Ren, the owner of the shop, to hand you your order while also telling you your aura is a bit off and recommending a way to get your chakras back in alignment.

I love her to pieces and smile when I step in and immediately see her behind the counter. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, and she looks about fifteen years younger than her actual age of fifty.

She gives me a big wave and says, “Jamie’s already waiting for you, hon. You want me to bring you your usual?”

“Sure, Ren, thanks,” I call out as I make my way to the last booth.

Hearing my voice, Jamie turns around and motions for me to hurry up.

“Oh my God!” she says, not even wasting time with a hello. “You’re never going to believe what happened last night!”

I laugh because I know that no matter what she’s going to say, my story is going to knock her on her ass.

“I take it things went well with Aleksei,” I say with a grin, scooting into the booth opposite her.

Before she can answer, Ren brings my drink over. I let out an appreciative sigh when I catch a whiff of the vanilla and caramel in my macchiato. She’s even drawn in a beautiful picture of a flower on top in the foam.

“You’re an absolute artist,” I tell her, wrapping my hands around the warm mug.

She studies me, her green eyes focusing on the space around me rather than on me, and I know she’s reading my aura. I wonder what all she can see, and just when I’m about to get really nervous about it, she rests her hands on her hips and gives a soft laugh.

“You’ve met someone.”

Jamie’s eyes widen. “Do me, Ren!”

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic