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“You do not speak Russian, do you, Belova? Because if you did, I doubt you would still be standing here.”

My eyes widen, and I’m desperate to know what he said. Maybe it was something sexy, something sinfully naughty, and the idea of him murmuring something seductive to me in his beautiful language makes it hard for me to stand still. My clothes suddenly feel too hot and tight. I want to rip them off to give him easier access.

He leans in closer so his mouth is almost touching mine. His blue eyes are so intense I have to force myself to not look away. That scent of his that’s so familiar to me now is doing some funny-ass shit to my body, too. I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

Running a finger along my jaw, he roughly tilts my face up so he no longer has to bend down. “I said get your fucking ass out of my club, little girl, and do not come back.”

I’m so startled by his words that it takes me a few seconds to process them. He drops my jaw and steps back, never taking his piercing gaze from me.

I continue to stand there like an absolute idiot. My brain refuses to process his words, and my body is paralyzed with confusion wondering why in the hell it’s not getting fucked right about now.

“What?” I finally manage to say.

He puts his hands on his hips and glares at me. I’m getting pissed, but not so pissed that I can’t still recognize how sexy he is. It’s not helping the situation, though, so I try my best to focus.

“I don’t understand,” I say, when he still doesn’t say anything. “Why did you save me from those creeps out there?”

When he’s in front of me so quickly it makes me gasp, I remember how quickly he moved around in the ring. He may be huge, but he’s fast as hell when he wants to be. He drags one finger down my cheek and gives me a wicked grin when I let out a small moan.

“Is this what you thought?” he asks, “That I would pull you into dark corner,” his finger traces the line of my bottom lip, “that I would kiss you?” He leans in closer, pressing his body against mine, letting me feel the hard length of him. “That I would fuck you?”

He’s still pressing against me, and I can’t think about anything else. He’s so fucking huge! Before I have a chance to think, he pulls away, and I’m left with nothing but cold distance between us. I look up at him, and to my utter horror, I actually reach out to him, trying to grab him and pull him back against me, but he swats my hands away like I’m a child trying to reach for something they can’t have, will never be able to have.

“Is not going to happen, Belova. Now, get the fuck out of my club and do not come back.”

His eyes are cold and empty when he looks at me. Everything about him is ice. There are no promises of a heated embrace or warmth of any kind from this man. He’s looking at me as if he can’t stand me, and it breaks my heart to see it. I look away before he can see the tears in my eyes and run for the door. All I can think about is getting as far away from him as I can before I completely lose my shit and start crying hysterically. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think that he was interested. I feel like such an idiot!

The bouncer steps aside when he sees me coming, and I push through the doors and take in a deep lungful of fresh air. There’s still a long line of people waiting to get in, so I take a right and walk down the sidewalk toward the Red Wolf. Digging my phone out of my back pocket, I send Jamie a quick text telling her that Dmitri is being a dick, and I’m just going to go home. She immediately texts me back.

I’m on my way out!

As upset as I am, I can’t help but smile at how sweet she is. I’m not about to ruin her night, though. I saw the way she was looking at Aleksei when he came to stand next to her.

I’m fine, Jamie. I promise! I’m already in my car. Stay and have fun with Aleksei! I’m guessing he can give you a lift home…

I stop and wait while she texts me a reply.

Are u sure? I really don’t mind leaving.

Don’t be silly. I’m fine! Enjoy your night with A!I send the message and hope she can’t see through my bullshit.

Okay, if you’re sure. Love u, girl! Call me tomorrow!!

I text a quickLove u 2and put my phone away and look up at the boxing club. All the lights are off, and there’s no one hanging around. After giving a quick glance back to make sure no one is paying any attention to me, I step off the sidewalk and follow the building around to the back. With every step I take, the more pissed off I get. How dare he tell me to leave his club! I have every right to be there, and what in the hell is with all his mixed signals? He acts like he can’t stand me, but then he goes and saves me from those creeps, and there’s no denying that hard cock I felt. My mind is spinning around trying to figure all this out, and I know I’ll never be able to let this go.

Looking up, I can’t help but smile when I see the fire escape. If my memory is correct, then this should lead me right to Dmitri’s apartment above the club. What’s the harm in just having a quick peek through his window? I know I should leave, that would be the smart thing, just disappear and never come back, just completely forget about Dmitri, but I know deep down that I’ll never be able to do that. There’s something about him that I can’t let go of.

Before the rational part of my brain has a chance to catch up and talk me out of this, I step onto the rickety looking iron stairs and start to climb my way up. There’s enough light from the moon for me to not trip and fall in what would no doubt be a gruesome death on the concrete below. What an inconvenience that would be for Dmitri. I can already hear his irritated voice in my head:Stupid girl. I told her not to come back here! Now I have to clean mess!When I start to giggle at the image, I know I’m close to just flat-out losing it.

By the time I reach his window, I’m beginning to wonder if maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I’m officially in the Peeping Tom category if I go through with this. I’m pondering this moral dilemma when a bright light makes me duck like the guilty perv I am. My heart is beating faster than it ever has, and my breathing sounds like I’m hyperventilating. Still, I can’t help but peek my head over the ledge. The idea of not looking never even occurs to me.

I watch Dmitri shut the door to his apartment and walk to his fridge to grab a bottle of water. From where I’m at, I have a clear view of everything except the darkened loft where his bed is. I watch as he chugs the bottle of water before opening up a set of pantry doors and tossing the bottle into a blue box. I hadn’t pegged him as someone who would care too much about the environment, but I have to admit that I’m happy to see it. It makes me wonder what else I don’t know about him. I’m desperate to know every detail of his life.

He leans against the counter with his back to me and just stands there for a few minutes. I wonder what the hell he’s doing when all of a sudden, he slams a fist down and quickly leaves, shutting the light off as he goes.

I sit there, debating whether or not to leave. Obviously, anyone with half a brain cell would get the fuck out of there. Yet here I am already bracing myself against the ledge while using my hands to try and lift his window. Without thinking, I let out a triumphant laugh when the window gives way and opens easily for me.

Before I commit to breaking and entering, I stop and weigh my options. Chances are good that Dmitri’s gone back to the club, probably hoping to get laid. I ignore the quick flash of pain that image brings me. He’ll most likely be gone for a long time, and I’m just going to slip in for a quick peek around his place. I just want to learn a bit more about him. Plus, he left his window unlocked. I mean, it’s like he’s practically inviting me inside. Right? When my dad arrests me later on, I’ll use that as my reasoning.

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic