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She’s wearing jeans and a halter-style top that’s showing off enough skin to drive me crazy. I see the other men eyeing her, and my hands instinctively curl into fists. Before I’ve decided what I’m going to do, I feel a presence beside me, and I have to stifle a groan. Looking down, I see a very drunk, very scantily clad woman eyeing me up and down like I’m a juicy steak at the butcher’s shop.

“Hey, sexy,” she says with a grin that I don’t return.

When my obvious lack of interest doesn’t deter her, and I feel her slide a hand up my forearm, I lose my patience.

Grabbing her hand, I toss it off me and say, “I’m not interested.”

“Oh, come on,” she pouts. “You and I could have a good time together.”

I look into her drunken, glassy eyes, making sure she’s paying attention. When I have as much of her focus as she’s capable of giving at this point, I say, “I do not want you. I am not going to fuck you, so get the fuck away from me.”

She looks at me as if she expects me to start laughing, like this is all some kind of misunderstanding and any second I’m going to laugh and drag her off to some dark corner to fuck her. When I don’t laugh, she squares her shoulders and lets out an angry huff.

“Your loss, asshole!” she practically spits at me as she walks off on unsteady legs.

I turn my gaze back to Gina and immediately forget about the drunk woman. Gina’s laughing at something her friend has said, and she looks so fucking gorgeous I can barely stand it. Without making any conscious decision to do so, I’m sliding my phone out of my pocket. Trying not to feel like a giant perv, I zoom in and take several photos of her. I even manage to get one when she turns her head so it looks like she’s staring right at me.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I watch as two men approach their table. My hands are already curling into fists when one of them has the nerve to take a seat next to Gina, giving her a big smile as he does so. I notice she doesn’t give him more than a polite nod in return and even angles her body away from him. Jamie seems just as irritated when the other guy sits down next to her. This douchebag isn’t taking the hint, though, and when he leans closer to Gina and rests his hand on her bare back, all I see is red as I march toward their table.

I give a sharp whistle, and when Aleksei’s eye immediately meet mine from across the room, I give a quick nod and he’s on his feet in a second. He arrives at the table right after me, looking just as pissed off as I feel. The men aren’t as dumb as they look. I see their bodies stiffen at the sight of us and the fear that clouds their eyes.

Jamie looks up at Aleksei like he’s her fucking knight in shining armor, and, unfortunately, Gina is giving me that same look. The difference is that Aleksei returns her smile and puts a possessive arm around her while I just stand there stone-faced and wanting to punch someone.

Aleksei leans in close to the man next to Jamie. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

The man immediately holds up his hands. “Look, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was your girl.”

“Now you do,” Aleksei says.

The man hops to his feet and backs away, smacking his friend in the arm, trying to get him to leave too. His friend eyes me and I have to wonder if he’s stupid, crazy, or just has a death wish.

His friend looks at him like he’s lost his mind. “Dude, do you know who that is? Get the fuck up, man!”

He eyes Gina again, and I take a step closer.

Finally, it hits him that I’m not fucking around. He stands and backs away.

“I didn’t know she was taken. It won’t happen again.”

I don’t say anything. My jaw is clenched so tightly I doubt I could say anything even if I wanted to. I watch them until they’ve disappeared into the crowd and turn to Gina. She’s looking up at me in a way that makes me want to bend her over the table and fuck her right here in front of the whole damn club. That would at least get the point across to every other man in this damn place. I can’t do that, though, and I know that what I’m about to do is going to wipe that sexy smile right off her face.

“You,” I say, pointing a finger at her, “follow me. Now.”

I don’t even wait to see if she gets up. I know she will, and I know what I have to do.



Oh my God! That was the sexiest display of manhood I’ve ever seen! I thought Dmitri was going to rip that guy’s head off. He’d looked so damn possessive of me, and I can’t deny that I loved seeing him that way. I love how protected he made me feel, and I want to squeal in happiness when he leads me to a back corner. My nipples are rock hard, and my panties so soaked that I can feel it starting to dampen my jeans. If he turns around and tries to fuck me up against this very wall, I know I’ll let him.

My heart nearly bursts when he turns around to face me. God, he looks so gorgeous. He’s in a pair of jeans, black boots, and a black T-shirt that’s clinging to all that sculpted muscle underneath. I’ve never wanted to mount something so badly in my life. He gives me a predatory grin that nearly has me moaning and steps in so his massive frame is completely hiding me from view. God, he smells good. I recognize his scent now, his own unique smell, and I swear I’d be able to pick him out of a room blindfolded.

He leans closer and says something to me in Russian, and I don’t understand a word of it, but it’s like honey rolling off his tongue. I get lost in the sensual cadence of the language and have to stop myself from falling into his very strong arms.

When he stops, he looks down at me, and I can’t help but notice the stern expression he’s wearing. He’s looking at me expectantly, but all I can do is stare back because I have no fucking clue what he just said to me.

He quirks an eyebrow at me and gives me a wicked grin.

Tags: Sonja Grey Erotic