Page 121 of Caged Royal

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No reason why not.

To the point as ever. I wish he’d pull his head out of his ass. I know he has a lot on his mind, we all do, but using me as his emotional punching bag is a shitty thing to do.

“Looks like we’re good to go to this thing together,” I tell her as we slide into the Range Rover.

“Woop. I’ll tell the boys the plan once I’m there. You okay taking my dress back to your place? I figured Gracie can come there, do our hair, and we can just get ready without making the extra stops. It’ll be like Homecoming, just better.”

“Sounds good,” I say, nodding. Smithy went out of town with Matthew this morning and while I’m so happy he’s happy, I miss the old guy. Hopefully when life calms down, I’ll get to spend some more time with him, too.

Another reason there is no way he was the one working with Panda. He’s too busy with his new beau to be meddling in the chaos of my life.

I pull away from the curb, focusing back on the road, when Indi puts Girls Need Girls by Sophia Scott on the playlist. “This song, right here. I’m declaring this our song.”

I laugh as I listen along to the lyrics. “Hell yeah it is. This is our jam!”

* * *

I lie back on my sofa with a groan. Between running, shopping, and just this week in general, I need a spa day. I love Indi, but she shops like a freaking beast. But at least we have outfits for tomorrow.

It was just a morning of shopping, but I’m beat, and I am not looking forward to this Knight party. Not even a little. Being the show pony at a Knight event isn’t on my fun time list, but since my presence was requested by Harrison, I’m hoping I get some answers about what it is they want from me.

That this isn’t just another dick measuring contest like last time.

Though Lincoln and Finley don’t seem as optimistic as I’m trying to be about it all.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, pulling me from the thoughts that have stopped me sleeping properly the last few nights, and I smile when I see the guys’ names on my screen. I pull up the group chat thread and try not to laugh.


Princess… what ya doinnnnn?


You’re such a sap, Mav. But yeah, what are you doing?


What they mean is, come over here.

Oh look, he seems to have put asshole mode on the back burner. Well kind of.


What my brother means, is please **eye roll**


She knew what I meant.


Stop being an asshole otherwise she won’t come and play.


Play? What are we playing?

Tags: Lily Wildhart Romance