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Declan smiled.

DECLAN: Thanks, bro.

RO: It’s still not too late. I can take everything down and hide the evidence.

While Declan thought about the right reply to set him straight, Ro sent another text.

RO: Nah, I’m not doing that. Not even if you asked me to, G.I. Joe. She’s good for ye.

It was a good thing Ronan was now supportive of Bree and him. It felt right.

RO: If ye don’t make her yers, I’m swoopin’ in. And ye know how all the ladies like me better…

Declan rolled his eyes and snorted. Bree turned around and brought her arm around his waist.

She kissed his shoulder before she laid her head down. “Good morning.”

“Morning, Love.”

“What were you snorting over here for?” She tried to spy his texts.

He placed the phone back on his bedside table and rolled her so she rested with her back on the bed.

“Hmmm, someone needs to be taught a lesson,” he said.

She laughed like she couldn’t believe he’d said that. “Ooooh. I’m so scared. Are you going to cuff me to your bed?”

Well now, there was an idea.

He kissed her nose and shot off from the bed. Her footsteps followed him for a moment before she turned right to the bathroom. Declan went into his spare room where he kept a safe with a spare gun and some extra cuffs.

His cock jumped at the thought of having Bree at his mercy.

He locked the safe and went back to his bedroom with the keys in one hand and the cuffs in the other.

Bree surprised him by sitting ready for him on the edge of the bed, with her hair in a messy bun. Some toothpaste residue stuck next to her bottom lip, and he wiped it for her. After sucking the residue from his finger, he rolled the taste of peppermint over his teeth.

“Have you been naughty, Miss?”

Bree giggled and a cute blush crept over her chest, peeping from under her black camisole. Seductive black lace stopped halfway her juicy arse cheeks. He itched to give her a few slaps there.

He stopped trailing his finger over Bree’s arm and said, “Shit. I don’t think I can do this.”

Bree cocked her head. “Why not?”

“I want to slap yer arse so bad, Bree. I want to watch yer flesh jiggle and turn red with my handprints. But I can’t… not while yer…” he sighed and took a step back.

Bree stood from the bed and placed her warm hand on his bare chest.

“Oh, Dec…” she put her bottom lip between her teeth as she tried hard not to laugh at him.

“Don’t laugh.”

She did exactly that.

He grunted.

“But it’s so funny. We can still make love. It won’t hurt our babies.”

Tags: Anna Castor Lucky Irish Romance