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“Shit. I need to—”

Bree cleared her throat and took a small step back. She glanced around the room and said, “Sure. Erm, shall I open the wine?”

“That would be great.”

He grabbed the wine opener and handed it over. “The glasses are already on the table.”

“Oh, okay.”

He took Keenan’s appetizers and walked up to his kitchen table. Bree looked over her shoulder and her blue eyes widened.

“Oh, wow. That looks so good.”

Declan placed the cheese board on the table. “I can’t take any credit. Keen dropped this off.”

“Keenan? But we’ve talked about—”

“I know, but he saw you that morning when you bolted at the break of dawn.” He grimaced and said, “And Aid overheard me and Keenan talk. But Keen and Aid are the only ones, I swear, Sq—Bree.”

Bree’s groans made her feelings loud and clear. She was not happy with him.

“I respect your wishes. Please, don’t be mad, Grumpy.”

He tried to make light of the situation by calling her Grumpy again. He crossed his fingers, hoping she wouldn’t make an issue out of his cousins knowing. Although he could see why she would be mad.

“Gwenn knows about us too. I guess it’s good to have someone to talk to. It’s kind of a rare situation we have on our hands here.”

“Nothing rare about us, Bree. We’re just us.”

Bree cocked her head like she wanted him to say something else. He paused a moment but let it go. He pulled the glass from the cheese platter. Bree instantly pushed back her chair and covered her nose with her hand.

“Oh, my God. What’s that smell?”

Declan grinned. “Uh, cheese?”

“When did Keenan bring this over? Three years ago?”

Declan laughed with his head back.

“No, Grumpy. Just before you got here.”

Bree shook her head and muffled her words. “I can’t… I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Aren’t you being a bit dramatic? I mean, it’s blue cheese. Normally, you’d eat that shit for breakfast if we’d let you.”

He quickly placed the glass back over the cheese when Bree turned green in the face. “Shit. I’m sorry. I’m going to get you some water. Sit tight.”

He took the untouched board of cheese with him into the kitchen and placed it on the counter. After filling a glass with water, he walked back to the table where Bree loudly inhaled a breath of fresh air her through her nose.

“That’s it. Deep breaths. Here, take a sip.”

Her shaky hand reached out for the glass. He ignored her hand and brought the glass to her lips. He helped so she wouldn’t spill.

She swallowed a few sips and cleared her throat. “Thanks. I’ve been feeling a little off these past days. I’m sorry I was cranky with you. I’m totally ruining this night, aren’t I?” Bree held her head with her hand.

“Nah. I get to be with you, so I’m good.”

Bree pulled down the hem of her shirt. “Sure?”

Tags: Anna Castor Lucky Irish Romance