Page 64 of Wrecked

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“No. Not yet. I’m so fuckin’ pissed at you.” Jack stretched his right leg, placing his foot on the rock right next to her before he shifted his weight and sat down.

She reached out to Jack but lost her balance in the blink of an eye.

Adela screamed as she slipped from her position and dropped several feet before she banged with her lower back against a rocky platform below. After breaking her fall on the platform, Adela laid there stock-still.

“Noooo!” Jack shouted.

She groaned and blinked several times before she wheezed, “I-I’m okay.”

“Careful, Jack. You don’t want to slip and fall on top of her and make things worse,” Zane said.

“Shit!” Jack said as he took in Adela, who stared up at him from her spot halfway down.

“I just need a moment. I swear I’m okay….” she said without conviction. Scared of what that bang against her back had caused, she was hesitant to move a muscle.

“How can I get to her, Z? If I go down here, I smash on top of her. But there’s no room next to her on this side!”

“I know, man. Let’s think things through…”

Adela stared up apathetically, the raindrops hitting her straight in the eyes. She lowered her lashes but instantly opened them when Jack shouted, “No, Adi! Keep those gorgeous eyes on me! Try to stay awake!”

“I’m so tired…”

“I know, sweetheart. But listen to me; I need you to fight, Adi. Giving up isn’t an option. Okay?”

Adela nodded, happy that she could still move her neck. She held her breath as she twinkled her toes in Raven’s hiking boots. She felt the unforgiving hard roof of both boots with her toes and sobbed.

“I can move my feet!”

“Thank God for that. Please try to lie still, babe. We’ll come get you. We just need to find out what route is best.”

Adela nodded with a watery smile when she suddenly heard a small voice from below.


Adela’s eyes grew wide while she brought a hand to her chest.

“What is it, Adi?” Jack called out to her from above.

“Oh my God… Hailey?” Adela said.


“What’s wrong, Adi?” Jack asked her, while Zane joined him on the spot from where Adela slipped and fell.

“Shh! I heard Hailey call out my name!”

“Your friend?” Zane asked her.

Adela ignored Zane and placed a finger against her lips. She held her breath as she waited for her friend to call out again.

“Are… you… still… there?” Hailey’s voice cracked with each word.

“Hailey! Hold on! I’m here! Are the others there with you?” Adela asked, hoping for some good news.

“No… I-I’m alone…”

Adela tried to roll onto her side, hoping to glimpse Hailey, as she must be somewhere nearby. She groaned as one of her ribs reminded her of her fall. The pain felt exactly the same as that one time she’d slipped out on deck and bruised her rib when she was eight-years-old.

Tags: Anna Castor Romance