Page 65 of Wrecked

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“No, Adi! Don’t move. Wait for us! Fuck!” Jack roared.

“I think my rib is bruised, that’s all.”

“’That’s all’, she says,” Jack grumbled.

Zane stood from his spot and said, “I’ll try to find another way down. Hold on, girls.”

“Be careful, Zane! Please!” Adela shouted.

“W-who’s Zane?”

“He’s my friend, Hails. And my boyfriend’s best friend.”

Adela tried for a smile as her gaze locked on Jack, who overheard her call him her boyfriend.

“Y-you… got… a boyfriend? W-what kind… of… alien island… is this? Shit…” Hailey said before she coughed.

Of course, it would surprise Hailey that Adela, of all people, would get herself a boyfriend on a deserted island. Adela still waited on Jack’s reaction as his green eyes bored into hers.

He finally said, “One condition: promise me to never—ever—bring yourself in danger again. From now on; you and I are a team and you promise that you’ll talk to me.”

She wanted to answer him, but Jack continued, “And my girlfriend better let me spank her round ass as soon as she’s healed.”

Adela’s mouth fell agape. Was he kidding her?

“W-what’s… happening?” Hailey asked, but before Adela answered her friend, she wanted to make one thing very clear to Jack.

“I promise, Jack. I want it all with you. You know this already…” Adela said.

“Good.” Jack’s stern eyes lightened up by just a fraction.

“Adi…” Hailey’s voice sounded as if she was hurting.

“My friends are trying to find a way to get us out of here, Hails. Please hold on!”

Hailey suddenly shrieked. “Ah!”

Adela heard Zane’s deep voice as he said from somewhere below, “Shh, Hailey. It’s okay. I’m Zane. I’ll get you out of here. Can you put an arm around my neck?”

“I’m so… tired,” Hailey whispered just loud enough for Adela to overhear.

Adela flattened her palm against the rocky platform and lifted her upper body. Ten feet below Adela and sixteen feet to her left was a small cove in the rocks where her blonde friend stared into Zane’s eyes.

“You’re goin’ to be fine, sugar,” Zane said.

Adela missed his signature smirk and knew that Zane was worried about her friend’s health.

“Wait for help, Adi. Don’t go over there,” Jack said.

Adela ignored Jack, slid to a lower rock and said, “This goes both ways. If you want to be my boyfriend, then you also have to trust me, Jack!”

Jack raked a hand through his hair, muttering something unintelligible under his breath.

“I mean it, Jack. I love you, but I’m not made of porcelain!”

“Shiiit,” Hailey said from nearby.

Adela grinned at her friend, that rested her head against Zane’s insanely broad chest. She wanted to make a move to go to her, but Zane shook his head.

Tags: Anna Castor Romance