Page 63 of Wrecked

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Jack meant it. She may not trust him enough to tell him about her plans for her one-woman rescue mission, but it didn’t mean they didn’t have a future together.

Jack didn’t care if they found a way to get off this island tomorrow and head back to the real world. He would never let her walk away from him ever again.


Adela still restedon the same spot on the rocks as she took a sip from the can of water she’d brought along with her. The wind picked up and instantly chilled Adela to the bone. She wondered if it was just the wind that made her cold or if her tiredness also played a part.

With the upcoming tide, she needed to get away from these rocks, anyway. She tucked her now halfway finished can in her pocket, taking for granted some would slosh over the side along the way.

“Bye, Birdie.” Adela waved at the bird that listened to her babbling for over an hour while making a nest between the rocks.

The first raindrops made her realize she needed to get away from these soon-to-be slippery rocks. The way back to Jack and the rest at camp still beckoned, but she knew she had to push through.

She’d come this far; she just had to see for herself that her friends weren’t sitting on the other side of this rocky cliff. What if they needed her help and just a half an hour's hike away? She would forever second-guess if she’d done the right thing by going back now.

Adela carefully placed her feet on a rock to her right. She wondered just how far she had to climb over this lime-stone outcropping running along the coast. With heights up to hundred-forty feet, she would definitely have enjoyed the astonishing climbing views under normal circumstances.

It took her another half hour to reach the highest top. She didn’t let the wind and rain deter her from sitting down and overlooking the island.

Adela’s breath hitched as her eyes slid over the rock formations surrounding her for miles. The impenetrable jungle below leading up to her lime-stone outcropping was nothing but daunting.

It would take forever to get through that enormous stretch of land. Especially after fighting for survival in the unforgiving wilderness for four days already. At least Adela had been able to stay hydrated, somewhat fed, and even sheltered. She had laid in Jack’s arms these past two nights, worrying about her friends but not about her own safety.

She’d hate to think about her friends’ health conditions if they’d drifted to this side of the island.

As she peered over the green island, one spot caught her eye. At first she thought it was the fresh-water lake she’d found with Camilla on their first day on the island. But on closer inspection, she spotted waterfalls that hadn’t been in the lake during her swim.

Her mouth fell slack at her find of another, even bigger lake on the island. Both lakes were surrounded by the jungle and east of that, miles and miles of sandy beaches. She prayed that her friends had washed up on the east side of the island on that sandy beach and that they had found the bigger lake with the waterfalls.

Adela shifted to the right, peering down to the immediate rocky coast beneath her. Her wet hair stuck to her face as she clung to the rocks.

An uncontrollable cry escaped her lips when a wave unveiled the unmistaken form of a starboard hull and steering paddle of a catamaran. The thirty-five foot white piece stuck between the rocks while the waves banged mercilessly against the only proof Adela had found of the possibility of her friends washing up on this side.

She squinted, hoping to find a clue if this part belonged to their catamaran or perhaps the guys’. If she could lower herself somehow, maybe she could find a clue.

She would have to elevate the damn thing and see if their catamarans’ name ‘Coco’ was written on the other side of the starboard hull.

Adela pushed herself on her knees as she crawled over the top, searching for the best spot to descend. Just when she wanted to sling her foot over the rock and lower herself, a booming voice scared the shit out of her.

“Don’t you dare fuckin’ do it, Adi!”

Adela froze.

Jack was here.

She moved her head under her arm, peering over the top of the lookout point. Her breath hitched as she met his blazing eyes. It didn’t matter they had thirty feet between them. She still felt the anger rolling off of him in waves.


“Don’t you fuckin’ ‘Jack’ me. Hold still and wait for us right there.”

“Us?” she croaked.

Zane’s head popped up behind a rock. “Hey, sugar. You didn’t think I would let Jack search for his girl all alone, did you?”

Her bottom lip wobbled when she realized that Zane still called her Jack’s girl.

“I’m sor—”

Tags: Anna Castor Romance