Page 6 of Spicy

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“Oh, I… ugh…” Cami looks toward me. “I think we’ve gotten more than enough information for today.”

“Thank you so much for meeting us,” I say, reaching out for a hug. I’m not sure why I opt for a hug, but this cabin is doing hippy things to me that I can’t explain.

“You’re welcome, dears, and I apologize for my grandson again. I’d say he’d learn someday, but I doubt he will.” She laughs. “Your next reading is on the house.”

Cami and I smile and make our way down to our vehicles parked in front of the cabin. Cami turns toward me. “Well, that was something. I think I left with more questions than I came with.”

“It’s probably nothing. I mean look what she told me.Arrows? Babies? Maybe I’m marrying cupid himself and he blessed me with immaculate conception months ago and I don’t know it yet.”

Cami grins. “Okay. I see your point. It’s just weird how she knew raven black hair and—”

“She’s lived on the mountain forever. She called Henry by name. She’s Wyatt’s grandma. It wouldn’t be a stretch for her to know about Raven.” I set my hand on Cami’s shoulder and pull her into my chest for a hug. “You’re going to get through this. I’ll bring Raven’s birthday cake over tomorrow morning, we’ll all celebrate happily, and come Monday, fate will do its thing. Trust me, anyone with eyes could see that Henry is all Raven needs.”

I know it’s not that simple, but I’m trying to be comforting. I’m not sure she’s buying it or not, though the look of worry on her face has settled momentarily.

“You’re probably right.” She clears her throat. “I’m going to get back home. I’m sure Henry is ready for a reprieve and I’m ready for some snuggles and a bottle of wine.” She hugs me goodbye then turns to hop up into her SUV. I wish I could do more for her, but I know what she needs more than anything is Henry.

“So… what do you think?” Wyatt stands at the edge of the driveway, looking toward me with that hat all backwards again. “Are psychics real?”

I don’t have the heart to blast him with a vehement no. “I think she got a few things right, sure. I had no idea she was your grandma! That’s got to be fun, growing up with a psychic in the family. Did she always know when you didn’t do your homework?”

Wyatt laughs and scrubs his palm down over his beard. “Something like that, but my sister and I kept our heads wrapped in aluminum foil so she couldn’t read everything.”

I laugh. “Oh, is that a thing? I had no idea.” I look down at the dirt, then back up again. “About earlier,” I say, “I’m sorry. I was rude. I’m always protecting myself from something. I didn’t need to do that with you. You were being real and I appreciate that.”

He grins. “Does that mean you’ll have dinner with me?”

My heart twists and hammers against my ribs. I wasn’t expecting him to turn it around so quickly. “Dinner?”

He nods. “Dinner. I can meet you back at your usual spot, behind the shop. I’ll bring food.”

I could reject him again, but I’m not sure how that’s going to get me closer to the love that I’m trying to find. And if Wyatt is no good for me, then I need to figure it out now before I waste a ton more time fantasizing about him. “Yeah,” I say, “I’d like that, but I’ll make something. Are you allergic to anything?”

He shakes his head. “No. Are you? I insist on bringing something. You’ve worked all day. The last thing you need to worry about is cooking.”

I suck in a deep breath and stare back at him, trying not to get lost in his chocolate brown eyes, but it’s useless. I’m there, swimming, splashing, soaking myself with a perversion I haven’t yet experienced.

Good God, what’s happening?

He reaches out his hand and smiles, saying something, but my mind can’t comprehend the words because of the arrows that sit firmly inked on both his thumbs, both of them pointed toward me.

Chapter Four


When I pull into the back lot of the bakeshop, Josie is sitting in a lawn chair at the back of her van. She’s set out a small table with a cloth and another chair with a bottle of red and two stemmed glasses. The mountains drop behind her to one side and the town to the other. It’s a warm night, but there’s a cool breeze, making it perfect for eating outdoors. Then again, any place with Josie would feel like heaven. What I feel toward her his like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s pure and unbridled. Also, filthy and dirty as fuck. Which leads me to the very strange place I’m in right now where the thought of her sweet, wine-stained lips pressed against mine is enough to give me a hard on so stiff that it hurts.

“You found the place,” she says, meeting me at the truck.

I will my cock to go down, but it’s no use. The closer she gets, the harder it is.

She leans against the door, her wine still fresh in her hand. “You know, I got thinking. I’m just going to say this right up front so maybe you don’t even want to get out of your truck.”

My heart seizes. The attitude is back. She must have come to her senses.

Her eyes narrow. “I’ve been interested in you for so long. I’ve thought about you for months… and not in a lady-like way. I’ve thought of you…” She puffs out her cheeks and takes a heavy sip of wine. “I’ve thought of you against me, against my body. And… I’ve been with guys before who said they liked me and then dragged their feet with every decision. I don’t want to do that again. I want marriage, I want kids, and I want someone who knows they want that too. So if you don’t, then you can take your dinner and you can go back to your cabin, and I’ll tuck inside my van and we can pretend like this never happened.”

I’ve met strong women. I admire strong women. But this one, this one has my heart jumping hurdles, and I can’t get enough.

Tags: Khloe Summers Romance