Page 25 of Summer Wedding

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“Just being sentimental.” It was partly true.

We were interrupted by the announcement of the newlywed dance. Reed took my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor to watch April and Jonathon have their first dance as a married couple. My daughter looked radiant as she moved around the floor with her new husband. For his part, Jonathon looked like he’d just won the lottery jackpot.

As we watched them dance, Reed moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest, the way he’d done on the dock last night. I leaned into his warmth, my head against his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of being protected. It had been a long time.

The music changed, and other people moved to join the newlyweds on the dance floor.

“Do you want to dance?” Reed whispered in my ear.


Normally I wasn’t one for dancing, but with Reed it felt natural to turn into his arms and start swaying to the music.

After dancing two slow songs, faster music came on and we returned to our table. The noise level increased, the guests losing their inhibitions with the help of the open bar.

“Does it bother you when people drink around you?” Reed asked curiously.

I shook my head.

“Not at all.”

It was true. It felt a little weird to be around people drinking, only because I wasn’t one to go to a bar. Most of my friends were in recovery like me, and we found other ways to have fun that didn’t involve drinking. But I knew we were not typical by any means.

The reception was crowded and noisy, and the up-tempo music they’d switched to was giving me a headache.

“I’m going to say goodbye to April and go back to my cabin.”

Reed looked at me curiously.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, but it’s been a big day and it’s super loud in here. I’m starting to get a headache.”

“Would you like some company?” he asked hopefully. “I’ve been told I give a great scalp massage.”

I told myself I should refuse his offer, but I was selfish. I wanted one last night with him. One more time to remember him by. I decided to go for it. But first, I needed to settle myself. My emotions were all over the place between the wedding and how I felt about Reed.

“I need a little time to myself so I can meditate. But can we hook up in about an hour?”

“Sure. Your cabin or mine?”

“I’ll come to you.”

He pressed a quick kiss against my lips. “See you soon, love.”

Tags: Rose Bak Romance