Page 15 of Sevyn

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“When our unit was chosen…” Gus gestured between the four of them. “It was after rigorous mental and physical testing. We already knew each other and worked well together, so we’re not sure if that had any bearing on why they put us together, but the military psychologists did a damn good job matching us. Maybe a bit too good.” He paused after the cryptic statement, though after catching Coot and Jesse together, I could put two and two together.

“You’re all in a relationship? I thought that was frowned upon, especially between different ranks.”

“It’s more than ‘frowned upon,’ and we’re not all in a relationship, per se,” Jesse offered. “We’ve been very careful stateside to keep our dynamic private, and more so overseas while on base. But a lot of our missions were solitary, so we could go months without more than radio contact with another person. Those that put us in the same unit had to have been aware of what was likely to happen—sans Boudreaux. They didn’t hook up for obvious reasons.”

The atmosphere was tense as they waited for me to digest the revelations they were drip feeding me. It wasn't an unwelcome tactic, but it left a dozen questions for each answer, some I probably wouldn’t voice in case I offended them. Some things just weren’t my business, and vice versa.

“How do I fit into this scheme you’ve cooked up? Am I supposed to be your beard, so you all don’t end up court-martialed or something?” The idea didn’t sit well with me, doubly so while I still had Jesse’s dried cum on my stomach.

Lochlan shook his head before I’d even finished. “We’re out now, so that’s no longer an issue. Frankly, we’d like to put that portion of our lives behind us; it served its purpose. After years of being largely on our own with only handlers overseeing us, the camaraderie of what should have been a brotherhood fizzled out.” A dark look crossed his face, but he shook it off and moved on to the next part. “Anyway, you know Gus and I were looking for a third, but we’d thought it wasn’t going to happen until we ran into you at the rally. At that point, we’d given up on finding a woman that would take all four of us on. Instead of pursuing the type of relationship we wanted, we started looking at places to settle where we could live together, or near each other, to start our lives after retiring.”

“Jesus, Loch, spit it out already,” Gus grumbled, then did it for him. “We saw the interest you had in Coot the night we met, and again with both him and Ares since we’ve been here. We decided,” he pinned the other three with a glare, “that if the opportunity arose, we’d take it. Except, we wanted to bring it up before there was any chance of you getting intimate with any one of us. These two here jumped the gun. Not sure I can be too pissed about it since you’re obviously interested, but I hoped you’d be on the same page first so we didn’t get our hopes up.”

I sat with the information for a few minutes, and right about the point they started to fidget, I broke the silence. “So, to sum this up, you four want to stay a family unit, you’re all fluid with where you stick your dicks, and you want a woman to round out the group so you’re a quintet?” At their various affirmatives, I nodded my head. “Alright, well, I won’t say I’m opposed so much as surprised. Honestly not sure that I can take on all that testosterone on a permanent basis, but I’ll think on it.” Before any of them could react, or stop me, I slipped out and headed home, feeling a bit dazed at their proposition.

If I hot-footed it like the devil himself was after me, well, I didn’t think anyone could blame me. Aunt Flo is never gonna believe this shit. I don’t believe this shit.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic