Page 13 of Sevyn

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As I softened under Coot’s onslaught, he pulled me to him, spinning us until Jesse’s broad chest was against my back—which stiffened as the latter’s hands crept under the bottom of my shirt, landing on the loose skin of my stomach.

Breaking my lips away from the man in front of me, I tried to arch my back to escape Jesse’s wandering hands, but there wasn't any space to do so. “I had a baby,” I blurted out before slipping my hands beneath his, embarrassment rolling through me. The changes my body went through while carrying Opal had left very visible, very permanent marks behind that had played a part in my reluctance to resume any type of casual intimacy. A random hook-up already felt awkward enough despite that being my norm years ago. Add in body issues, and that just tanked the interest all to hell.

Coot reared back to stare down at me, concern and confusion in his eyes. “Uh, yes, we’re aware. Unless you mean you had one recently that we don’t know about?” His eyes instantly went to my stomach area like he’d be able to tell just from looking. If I wasn’t so uncomfortable, I’d find it amusing, but I didn’t want to have to explain that I was afraid they’d find me ugly, so I shook my head, trying to figure out a way to gracefully bow out of the imminent activities. Jesse, quickly figuring out what my issue was, twined his fingers with mine, refusing to let me move them away.

“I can for sure promise that I don’t mind anything you’re trying to hide under your clothes. Coot here won’t either. If it’ll make you feel better, we can give you a list of shit neither of us likes about our own appearances.”

Understanding dawned on Coot’s face, and an instant later, he’d dropped back down onto his knees, his head coming nearly to my chest. The two of them were uncannily in tune as Jesse tightened his fingers around mine and lifted his arms, taking mine with them until they rested near his shoulders on either side of my head. “You say the word, and I’ll stop, but don’t make the call because you think I’m judging you. Have Jesse fill you in on Sasquatch and Uniball while I get you a bit more comfortable for what we have planned.”

Sasquatch? Uniball? When the fuck did they make plans that involve me? It was hard enough to catch my breath with Coot intent on getting me out of my clothes, and the stiff length pressing into my ass, let alone catch my damn chaotic thoughts. A millisecond before he lifted the hem of my shirt, I lost my courage and squeaked out, “Lights.”

His gaze flicked from mine to Jesse behind me before he voiced his opinion on that. “It’ll be pitch black in here, not to mention I’ll be disappointed to miss seeing what I plan on eating.”

Taking my fear and throwing it out the proverbial window, I let my eyes drift shut and jerked my head in agreement. It didn’t lessen my nerves, but at least I wouldn’t have to see any negative reaction he might have when my post-baby body was bared in all its imperfect glory.

“Relax, Sevey, we’ve got you,” Jesse murmured in my ear, causing a shiver to work through me. Or maybe that was from Coot popping the button on my jeans. My breath hitched as he lowered the zipper and started to shimmy them down, underwear and all. As he paused to lift one foot, then the other, to get my boots off, Jesse filled me in on their cosmetic flaws. “You haven’t seen me without a shirt on yet, though that’ll happen soon enough if I have my way, but about the time I graduated high school, I started getting body hair.” It was hard to concentrate on what he was saying with Coot about to get up close and personal with my long-neglected pussy, but I did my best to pay attention to them both. “After enlisting, I was dubbed Sasquatch in basic training. You see, thanks to genetics, I have a hairy back. And I don’t mean a little bit. I have full-blown patches on both shoulder blades that nearly meet in the middle. It’s not my favorite feature, and besides the scars we’ve picked up, a hazard of our profession, I also have a scar from having my appendix out. Suffice it to say, I doubt you’d have more than a bit of empathy for any of it, if you addressed it at all.”

I blinked down at Coot, both to watch as he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder and to see if Jesse was telling the truth, though I didn’t see the point in lying about something like that. He only gave me a wink before blowing a stream of air across my pussy, and while I was mid shiver at the sensation, he dove in, unerringly using his tongue to part my folds and latch onto my clit. There was no preamble or work-up, just balls to the wall suction and tongue action that had the leg I stood on nearly buckling. I didn’t know why I thought he’d take a different approach, especially with the fact that we were in a storeroom in my bar that wasn’t exactly conducive to more than a quickie, but I’d sort of expected that he’d have done more than get access to my bottom half and go to town on my box. It felt like something teens would do, fumbling in the dark, though there was a distinct lack of fumbling, and it sure as hell wasn’t dark.

A dark chuckle came from Jesse at my squirming, but I couldn’t help it. Coot was wrecking me with each flick of tongue and pull of his lips. I’d never gone from mildly horny to wet, clenching pussy so fast in my goddamn life.

Voice unsteady, I urged Jesse to continue his story, the last of my request getting strangled as Coot turned me loose long enough to wet two fingers in his mouth, barely pausing to check if I was ready before sliding them home. The stretch was immediate, my groan echoing his. “Fuck, darlin’, you’re making my dick jealous of my fingers with this hot-ass pussy.”

Jesse’s hands flexed on mine in response as he resumed speaking, huskier than he had been, as Coot returned to my clit and worked his fingers into that hook that would make my supporting leg fail for sure. I almost didn’t catch a damn thing he said, but I didn’t want to be rude when the man was trying to put me at ease. “Soon after that, I started having the shit waxed off, and now that we have more time for it, I’ll probably see about getting laser removal.”

“This has got to be the craziest hook-up ever, just so you know,” I managed, nearing my peak from Coot’s skillful touch.

“If I’m showing you my furry-ass back, this best be more than a casual hook-up.” Jesse’s disgruntled tone distracted me enough to stall my orgasm, and I was half-worried he’d call a stop to it all if I denied it wasn’t only casual.

“I don’t fuck random men in my supply closets on the regular if that helps any. Now, what’s a uniball?”

Jesse’s grunt didn’t give me much faith that I’d reassured him at all, but he answered me anyway. “It’s a who, not a what, and it’s what Coot started getting called after an unofficial grappling tournament went wrong. The other guy accidentally came down right on Coot’s balls. Had to have surgery and now only has one. Hence the ‘Uniball’ reference.”

“Holy shit, ouch, dude.” And also…I was kinda curious about the difference, but I wasn’t about to mention that part as I stared down at the man between my legs. He shrugged like it didn’t matter, which I highly doubted, but I was distracted from pursuing it when he doubled his efforts and rapidly pushed me off the cliff into a climax that left his cheeks embarrassingly shiny and wet. I was straight-up afraid to see the mess I’d made of his hand.

“It sucked at the time,” he said, coming up for air as I tried to recover. Then he popped his fingers in his mouth. I couldn’t decide if I was grossed out or grossly turned on by the sight. “But it all works like normal now that it’s all healed up. I’ll prove it here in just a minute as soon as I locate the condoms.” He turned to rummage in their toolbag as I narrowed my eyes and turned my head to look up at Jesse.

“How the hell do you two have condoms in here already? That sure looks like you had the same plans as the other two, and I happened to conveniently show up.” I sounded waspish to my own ears, but I didn’t care. I still wanted an answer.

“I grabbed them in town when I was at the store earlier. It was convenient to throw them in since we went straight to installing the locks and haven’t been upstairs yet,” Coot said, briefly stopping his digging to roll his eyes at me while Jesse chuckled against my back. I felt a little silly, but it made me feel better to know they weren’t screwing anything that walked.

“Does that brain of yours ever shut off for five minutes?” Jesse demanded, putting enough space between us to lift my shirt off over my head. He spun me until I faced him, then took his own shirt off before he pulled me against his chest. “Just hush now. Let us make you feel good.”

There was no time to be embarrassed about standing there in just my bra because Jesse took my lips with his and immediately demanded entry with this tongue. A second later, my bra unhooked before Coot’s heat blanketed my back, sans his top as well.

I ended up lost between them as they both worked to destroy the composure I’d managed to hold on to, hardly noticing when Jesse braced himself against the wall and lifted me to give Coot better access to my pussy. The instant I felt Coot notch his latex-covered head against my entrance, I tipped my head back, holding Jesse’s gaze as his partner slowly but steadily filled me from behind.

The gasp pulled from my lips when he bottomed out was swallowed down by the man in front of me, then I was clutching at him while Coot gripped my hips and mercilessly pounded into me. One of their hands snaked down to play with my clit, and my already primed pussy didn’t take long to clamp down as I came again. Coot’s groan was followed by his own climax before he unceremoniously slipped out, hooked his arms under my thighs, and twisted to switch places with Jesse.

I was too far gone to appreciate their coordination, but I sure as fuck appreciated the way Coot held me open for Jesse, who buried his head between my legs. He was only there long enough to ramp me up past the point of no return before he straightened, and without even wiping his mouth off, he plunged into me, stretching me anew.

“Fuck, woman, I’m not going to last,” he groaned, reaching between us to play with my clit in counterpoint to his rough thrusts.

I was already with him, my body overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stimulation after going so long without more than the occasional self-care session. I came again with a shriek, head thrown back over Coot’s shoulder, pulsing hard enough to make it difficult for Jesse to move against my grasping muscles. As my body quieted, he pulled out, ripped the condom off, and painted my stomach with ropes of cum, his hand pumping up and down his thick length to milk every drop onto the stretch-mark-ruined skin, proving his point about not caring they were there.

“You’re mine, Sevey, whether you know it yet or not.” The possessive heat in his eyes shocked me as much as his actions did, yet it held me captive until he glanced down. My gaze instinctively followed his to watch as he spread his spunk across my abdomen and pussy. I was ninety-nine percent sure the man had just permanently staked his claim.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic