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Chapter Six

The straight-backed desk chair I’d shoved under the doorknob wakes me as the sliding feet make rubbing noises against the hardwood floor. I bolt upright and dash for the door, slamming it shut and twisting the lock again.

“Assholes! I knew you’d have a key. I want a deadbolt installed!” I yell through the closed door as I swipe at the tears that appear almost nightly on my cheeks. Based on the swearing coming from the other side, someone’s fingers had been in the way.

“Cora, it’s nearly noon. I suggest you get your things unpacked and get your supplies before classes start tomorrow,” a voice returns. I’m not sure which one of them it is, but it’s not any of the three from the night before. “And a deadbolt isn’t going to stop someone who can just get a key.” A thump on the door from a fist, I imagine, is left in parting.

Raking my hands through my messy hair, I plop down in the chair, having no clue how I’m going to make it through the day, let alone longer. I get up and go to the bathroom, relieving my bladder and doing what I can with my hair and teeth with what's on hand in my purse. The skin on my waist is itching and burning with patterned indents from wearing my jeans to bed, but I hadn’t been about to sleep without pants on.

As presentable as I can get, I make my way out into the common area, pulling up short when I find all of Drake's posse and Jaeger are in attendance, as well as a couple females who I’m assuming are other students. What a lovely surprise. Hoping to maybe make some friends, even if I'm feeling dishevelled, I smile at one of the girls. Only to have it fall as soon as she opens her mouth.

“This is the chick Damien was all hung up on? What was he thinking?” Pissed at myself for even trying, I roll my eyes at the blonde and keep walking. Every place needs a snatch, and I’m thinking there’s more than one around here as well. I can’t wait to meet the normal people.

“Oh, I don’t know about that, sugar. Little sis over there was a sure thing for putting out.” I whip around at Jaeger’s remark, shooting him a look full of disgust. He knows that isn’t how things went down with Damien.

Determined not to cower, I snap back. “I wasn’t little sis last night, now was I, big bro?” A couple of the other guys jeer at him for that, and the girl on his lap wrinkles her nose, not at all happy.

“Turnabout is fair play, Cora. Better watch that sass around here. It’s liable to cause you some issues.” Jag pushes the girl off his lap onto the couch cushion next to him, a couch I’ll have to make sure I don’t sit on, before getting to his feet and heading toward me. “Need some help getting your things out of the car?”

I shake my head no while trying to find my voice. After last night, I don’t want him anywhere near me. “Back off, Jag,” I whisper when he’s within arm’s reach.

He halts at the nickname I gave him during those first few months when he and his dad moved in with me and Mom. Regret flits briefly across his face before he opens his mouth again. “Sorry, Cora. Headmaster says to make sure you settle in. That goes for all of us, and you’re not settled yet, are you?”

Ignoring him and not wanting his company, I spin on my heel and dart out the door, down to the elevator that stands open. My hand reaches in to slap the button for the bottom floor before I race to the stairwell and down to the floor below. I've just stepped out as I hear the door above slam followed by creative cursing that echoes through the hallway. Instead of sticking around, I cross the floor, not making eye contact with any of the residents meandering in the hall, until I reach the stairwell on the opposite side.

Gingerly, I open it and peek in to see if it’s clear. After the magical pop-up Jaeger did yesterday, I wouldn’t put it past them to have a secret shortcut down. Instead of going to my car, I stop at the school store to collect my books and supplies. The guy at the counter lights up when I give him my list of classes for textbooks.

“You’re Cordelia!” At my surprise, he backtracks. “Well, yes, you’d know your own name. Dumb, Kent, scare her off, why don’t you?” The dude is mumbling to himself, and I’m looking around for someone else to help me because this one has a few screws loose. “Wait, I didn’t mean to be weird. I suck at meeting new people. I study all the yearbooks from Mooreton, so I know who’s coming in, and you weren’t expected, but now you’re here, and you’ll be such an asset to the Order. It’s just brimming off you. It’s been decades since--”

“That’ll be enough, Kent.” I stifle a groan at Jag’s voice behind me. “I can help Cora collect what she needs from here. I’ll let you know when we’re ready to check out.”

Crazy Kent caves immediately. “Yes, yes, of course, Master Jaeger. Please accept my sincerest apologies if I overstepped.” He buttons up and disappears into the depths of the room behind the desk, leaving me alone with Jag.

“What the hell was that, Jaeger? And why was he calling you Master? That shit’s creepy.” In my tirade I conveniently forget I ditched him not even ten minutes ago. Some things curiosity trumps, and being annoyed with him is one of them.

“All staff other than the headmaster and the board are required to address the students as Master and Mistress. Even the student workers when they’re on the clock.” He’s nice enough while he explains, but it doesn’t last, and thunder settles over his features as he gets after me. “Care to explain why I had to chase you all over the grounds after I specifically told you me and the others are responsible for you?”

“What?" Blinking at him, I recount his words. "No, you said you had to help settle me in. That’s very different than being responsible for.” I don’t know what he’s getting at, but those five running my days isn’t happening. It's my life. “If you’re helping, then help. Otherwise, fuck off, Jag.” Arms crossed and glare fixed on his, I wait for Jaeger to respond.

His lips tighten, but he remains silent as he glances at my class roster and turns to walk stiffly to the shelves of books. After a short perusal, he’s quick to start pulling them down, moving back and forth then up and down the aisles handing me books until I’m nearly buried under the stack. Finally, he finishes, and I make my way to the desk to unload. Arms trembling with the effort, I barely make it and try to hide the wince of pain that wants to escape as my internal scars ache, reminding me that I'm too weak to carry them around. .

“I need all these? This is insane. Are they trying to make me fail or intimidate me into leaving?” Seriously, there have to be fifteen different books and workbooks in the pile.

“The textbooks are straightforward, but you’ll need the others for assignments. It’s not quite as bad as it appears, but yes, the administration culls the weak and unambitious right off. Better keep up, Cora. Slackers aren’t welcome here, and spreading your legs won’t work either.” Jaeger is back to being a dick, of course.

Pissed off, my mouth runs away with itself. “I’ve always earned my grades. I’m not the one that got caught fucking the lunch lady in a staff bathroom.” Jaeger turns red at the reminder even as he schools his features into indifference.

“She was hot, sue me.” I roll my eyes at him and move on to supplies, wanting to be done with his presence sooner rather than later.

Jaeger follows me, making grunting noises at the less expensive models of calculators so often that I give up reading the packaging and move on to the one that I really wanted but didn’t want to get in case I somehow ended up indebted for everything. I roll my eyes when he makes an approving hum at my choice. He even takes it up to the counter for me while I peruse the notebooks and pens and study materials.

By the time I’m done with the list and the extras I thought I’d need, Kent has the pile on the desk rung up. Hitting the total, Kent directs the screen at me, and the tally is in the thousands. Plural. With a nearly audible gulp and a quick prayer, I swipe my student ID in the card reader, sighing in relief when it accepts the purchase. Textbooks and class supplies are covered in the contract, but this is the first chance I’ve had to try out their stipulations.

“Thanks for the help.” I smile at Kent, being polite even if he has been weird, and pick up as many bags as I can handle. Jaeger grabs the rest and follows me out of the store and back to our dorm suite.

He remains silent until we’re in the elevator. “No more running off on us. If it happens again, I’ll report you to the headmaster.”

I gape at him, incredulity turning to fury in seconds. “I’m not a prisoner, Jaeger! That wasn’t in the contract!” I’m still fuming even as the doors slide open, and my feet stomp down the hall to our door.

Tags: Emma Cole Paranormal