Page 7 of Nightingale

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Chapter Four

What’s Got Your Panties In A Twist?

I find the rest of the guys at the end of the hall and wave at Marcus when he sees me approach. He’s the only one that even notices.

“Finally, woman. These guys and the guard dog wouldn’t let me near you.” Or not. Apparently, Rex has radar for me because he doesn’t even turn before he starts harping. By the time he finishes though, he is inches away and reaching for me.

I stand stiffly in his embrace until Apollo makes a grunting noise that still sounds somehow elegant, and Marcus steps in.

"Rex, I think Solovey could use some space." What the hell did he just call me?

Rex drops me like a hot rock. "You too, huh? Will nobody let me talk to my own girl— er, Lark? And did you call her slovenly?" He better not have. I turn my glare from Rex and his slip-up to Marcus.

Apollo comes to his rescue since the big man appears flummoxed. "It means Nightingale in his native language. And Rex, maybe you could ask Lark if she would care to speak with you privately after everyone is settled, yes?"

Rex looks at me, nodding his head. "Yeah, I can wait. Sorry, Lark." He turns to address Marcus, back firmly to me. "Could you show us the rest, please?" Rex is stiff yet polite. At least he's making an effort, I suppose.

Marcus finishes leading us around, pointing out Brent's room in the corner that he's already ensconced in, before showing Rex and Emmett theirs that are closer to the staircase. Emmett, toting his gear, excuses himself to clean up. Apparently, they all need to shower the debris off from the wreck. I'd kinda forgotten about that. Rex does the same after retrieving his belongings from the end of the hall where he'd dropped them when I'd shown up.

With nothing else to do, I follow Marcus and Apollo back downstairs where we find Braeden in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher.

"Hope you don't mind but I wanted to help out. Not a lot to do and I like to keep busy."

I'm not sure what to do either and lean against the open door frame.

"Not at all, thank you, Braeden." Apollo gestures toward Marcus. "I haven't shown them everything. I thought to wait until everyone was here." I wonder what he's talking about, but Marcus seems to understand. I don't get to find out yet though because Apollo changes the subject.

"How about some dessert? Or, Marcus, if you're hungry, dinner is staying warm in the oven?" Apollo moves to the oven and starts pulling the pans out with the food in them. "Of course, you're hungry; the others will be too, I apologize." What the hell? He was fine two seconds ago.

"Apollo, it's fine." Marcus moves to him and gently grabs his arms to stop him. "I can get this. You go make your dessert. I know you've been anxious to see if she likes it." Apollo…blushes, and ducks his head while trying to simultaneously peek at me.

The shock must show on my face, and while Brade seems to be in the same predicament, Marcus has this weird grimace stretching his lips, baring his teeth. I finally realize he's tilting his head at Apollo. I can't help it. I bust out laughing. And all of them scowl at me.

"Are you still managing to twitterpate every male in your vicinity, Ms. Jones?" The snide remark has me stiffening. I slip inside the doorway, about to beeline for Braeden, when a sharp, "Ow!” comes out of Brent, and a warm arm encircles my waist.

I don't freak out this time, recognizing the aftershave before the pale hand comes into view.

"What did I say about Lark not being your business, Brent?" Emmett is pissed, but I sink into him anyway. He'd warned him off?

The other three echo my thoughts, none of them pleased as they talk over each other.

"Seriously? You're all going to act like she can't defend herself if she wants to? Apollo? Marcus? When did you two decide she's this fragile little bird?" Even he grimaces at his accidental use of Brade's nickname. "You've seen her fight, stop acting like I'm going to break her."

Before anyone else acts, Brent disappears backward through the doorway. Unless we've been found already, and with the absence of any alarms I'm doubting that, it has to be Rex that removed him. My supposition is immediately proved by the thump of what I imagine is Brent's body against the dining room wall.

"Respect, Doctor. Or I'll teach you some. Don't forget we could have let you fend for yourself with our supervisors. Not to mention Marcus and Apollo taking us all in. Am I understood?" Rex's voice sounds clearly from the other room, and I badly want to go peek but don't think I should aggravate the situation.

The others, minus Emmett who is still surrounding my body, have no such compunctions. They all file angrily past me through the doorway.

I make no effort to hide my eavesdropping, and neither does Emmett.

Expecting Rex to continue, I'm surprised to hear Apollo, anger plain in his voice. "My mother loved your mother and her children very much. I warned you not to get mixed up with Robert and was ignored. Your fancy school and mother and sister being kept in the latest styles were all another thread he used to make a rope and bind you to him. Whatever your problem with Lark is will cease now. We are all adults and capable of making our own decisions, and your opinion of them is not required. Out of respect for my mother's memory, I have done right by you. Had I not, you would not be here now. Tread carefully, Brent. I am not the monster my father is, but I am still his son." Apollo's delivery is quiet, and the ice in his tone causes goosebumps to crawl up my arms. It was easy to forget, even with the physical resemblance, who he was raised to be. Now the visceral reminder is stark and abrupt.

Marcus adds his own warning, "I stand behind Apollo always. And now that includes Lark, don't fuck with her." He re-enters the kitchen, finding us still standing there. I'm not sure what my expression conveys to him, but he gives me a small, warm smile and tips his head to me before going to retrieve his dinner.

A more sedate Brent comes back as well, followed by the others, and the atmosphere in the room picks up as the latecomers get their food and take it to the table. Emmett lets me go with a brisk rub to my shoulder in some weird guy affection. Even so, I kind of don't want him to.

Braeden excuses himself to go sit with them, leaving me alone with Apollo.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic