Page 47 of Nightingale

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"Well, hello there, my Sun God." Apollo gives me a soft smile that morphs into slackness as his eyes flutter shut.

His dick jumps inside me, and he moans, twisting deep. Peering around him as best I can from my position, I see Marcus behind him with his arm flexing and imagine that Apollo is being worked by those dexterous fingers. Marcus pulls back, walking to a sink, and then Apollo has my full attention as he begins to move inside me, taking my lips in a fierce kiss. It's only a moment before he's grunting a moan between our open mouths, and the weight on my hips increases.

A sharp slapping of skin on skin precedes Marcus', "You can take it."

Apollo retreats slightly, rutting back onto Marcus, then pulling out completely to allow Marcus to slip a small, vaguely U-shaped toy inside me before coming forward again. He holds still after working into my tighter sheath, but his dick flexes every few seconds until Marcus taps something on his phone.

Almost instantaneously, my entire pussy, inside and out, lights up with vibrations, dragging moans from both of us.

"That should get you there quickly, Solovey. I don't think the two of us will hold out long this time." And they don't, but neither do I. The fast pace Marcus uses to pound into Apollo has Apollo’s cock hitting all the right places, and paired with the vibrator I'm clenching around him before either of them get off.

When Apollo starts pulsing inside me, I'm thankful again for the IUD that lets us go at it whenever and however we feel like it. By the time Apollo and I start to relax, Marcus is stiffening behind him with his own orgasm. We stay as we are, cuddled up, basking in the afterglow.

Eventually, we separate and clean up, but that's when they broach their last requests. Marcus has his first. "When you're ready, I'd like to have my vasectomy reversed. I've seen a doctor, and it should be possible." He blurts it out before I'm even fully upright on the couch— I don't want to go back to the chair by myself.

I'm not sure why he'd have worried that I wouldn't be okay with it; it's his body. "Of course, you can. You can do it now, you silly man. I'm not in charge of your body. It's your right, Marcus." His eyes are damp, and I'm shocked at the depth of his damage. One day I hope these things I've always taken for granted come more naturally for him, but for now I'm grateful he's communicating about them.

I slide into his lap, touching our foreheads together and pecking him on the lips. "Anything you want, darling, you do it. If you're afraid, tell me. Or Apollo or any of the guys. They'll help you see your worth." He nods, lips tight as his breath quavers. I cuddle into his chest and try to sooth him, rubbing his arm until he starts to relax.

By the time Apollo speaks up, I've almost forgotten that he had something to ask. And it's a doozy.

"You want me to what?" I rear up off Marcus' chest, sure I misheard.

"I want you to brand me." I'm shaking my head before he even finishes. "Lark, I want it. I don't want it to be his anymore. I know you've looked into having yours removed, and the surgery is worse than leaving it there. It's ours— or it will be if you agree to it. We were forged in hell together, and it seems right to me to complete the circle and 'own it' as Emmett says."

I can't believe he's asking this of me. Turning to Marcus, I note that he's grim-faced but not about to refuse. Then he says the one thing that I can't refute.

"It's his body, Solovey."

Scowling, I stew in silence at having my words shoved back down my throat.

"Think about it. I'd like to do it before we leave here, but there is something else I wanted to tell you that I forgot about earlier." I'm hesitant to find out after the last bombshell but still motion for him to go on.

"I was finally able to have my mother and brother declared deceased." He swallows hard, and I know it's been something he’s wanted to do. All these years only a small circle actually knew what had happened to them.

"That's great, Apollo. I'm glad the world knows what that monster did."

"He admitted to it, as well, and the prosecutor is going to add them to his charges." He gives me a wan smile, and I imagine he's feeling bittersweet over it. "The prosecutor also wanted me to turn over assets that I have control of now, but they don’t have the legal justification to take it all, and Marcus and I are going to start a charity with all the money they can't seize. It's quite a large sum, and instead of it going to a margarita maker or new office chairs for the department, we'll use it for at-risk women and children, as well as the syndicate's surviving victims. We made it out relatively unscathed compared to others, and I don't want to spend his dirty money."

Reaching out, I take his hand in mine. "I'm proud of you, Apollo. Don't ever doubt it." He's been through the wringer in the press, even after it was disclosed that he'd precipitated ending Robert's reign. He'll never be able to be in the public eye, which makes our country living ideal.

"Thank you, Nightingale. The last thing I found is my mother's trust. She set it up for me, and all these years Robert couldn't touch it. It's enough to set us all up for the rest of our lives; before she passed away, it was her getaway money, and it could only go to me or a direct heir." He pauses for a moment, looking down at our clasped hands. "It was the catalyst for interest in you. I should have continued to use the condoms even after the tests came back clean— but I'd never had sex with a woman without one. I didn't see the harm, and you weren't going to be one of his planted playthings, trying to get me not to use one and knock them up. I'm so sorry. I didn't know he'd fixate on you because of it."

“Wait, is that what was up with the condom thing?" He nods hesitantly, as if waiting for me to take him to task for putting me on his father's radar. Feeling bad, and distracted from my question, I reassure him, "You didn't know, Apollo. And I could have just as well ended up with him or anyone else. You and Marcus did your best to keep me safe." He nods, seeming relieved, and I move back to the condom situation. "You know that was making me crazy trying to figure out, right? Then, when you didn't bother with one at the first group thing…" I trail off, deciding I'm really not wanting to go back down that memory lane after all.

"You're not mad?" His voice is full of wary hope.

I shake my head. "Nope, Robert is nuts. Can't apologize for crazy." I lean over, and he obliges me with a kiss but pulls back with a serious expression.

"About the branding. Marcus has agreed to do it if you won’t, but will you at least stay with me?"

How can I say no? He's going to do it whether I'm here or not. Deciding to support his decision even if I don't agree with it, I say, "Yes, but I can't do it, I'm sorry. I just… can't."

Marcus tightens his arm around me, dropping a kiss on my head. "We figured as much but wanted to ask first anyway. Can we do it now? He's been waiting a few days, and I don't want to drag it out."

Seriously? A few days? These two are going to have to learn to voice their shit better. "Yes, fine. But I have one condition— he gets numbed up first."

"I have some stuff for that." Marcus gets up to go prepare, and I feel light-headed.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic