Page 37 of Nightingale

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Chapter Thirteen

Boys Like It Bottoms Up

"When are they going to check in? It's been hours, Brade." We haven't heard a thing, and I'm about to lose my shit. For the umpteenth time I check the phone Marcus left. It's sitting on the table next to the couch. I've tried reading, even lit the gas fireplace to make it cozier. Nothing is helping with the waiting though.

"Lark!" I startle, realizing Brade must have called my name a few times if he's resorting to shouting my real one. "Calm down. They told us it could be awhile; they were worried someone might be waiting to intercept a call and track us. Remember?"

My bestie is using that soothing voice people use on animals when they're wary, and I don't like it. "Pretty boy, knock it off. I'll calm down, just take your lion tamer tone and cork it." His bottle-green eyes narrow at the moniker, getting a grin out of me. "Yes, I was being overboard, but I'm worried. Now bring those pretty pouty lips over here and read to me."

Sighing and acting like he doesn't love storytime, Braeden motions me to move so he can take my spot. As soon as he's settled, I lay my head on his lap and get comfy, closing my eyes and waiting for him to start.

He only makes it a few pages before he complains. "Birdie, can we pick something else, please?"

"Nope, I want to hear about the quivering thighs. Keep going."

"This is revenge, isn't it?" he mutters before he starts in on the bodice ripper I'd picked out. Marcus must have a fetish because there's an entire shelf of the things. Not that I'm complaining, the Duke and the Duchess are getting downright kinky for the Victorian Era.

He reads until I must eventually fall asleep because I jolt up, disoriented when the phone goes off. Noting the time as I reach over a stirring Brade, I see it's been several more hours. I hit the speaker button as soon as I swipe to accept the call.

"Where have you been?" I don't even let whoever it is have a chance to speak before I make my demand.

Sleepily, Brade intervenes, mumbling, "Birdie, give it." He doesn't wait for me to comply and pulls it out if my hand as a deep laugh comes through the speaker, followed by Rex's voice.

"We're all fine, babe. Took longer than we thought since Robert showed up himself. Had most of the guards with him too, that we've been looking for. It was very anticlimactic to be honest." He pauses for a moment and covers the mouthpiece on his end since muffled unintelligible voices are coming from the phone before he’s back on the line. "I just wanted to let you know that me and Emmett have to go in, but Apollo and Marcus are heading back now. I'll fill you guys in more when we get back. Be safe, okay? I love you."

I'm stuck on the last part, panic surging through me at the expectation of saying it back. Thankfully, my bestie saves me.

"Aww, we love you too, Rexy-poo. Hurry back now." I can't help but giggle at Rex's groan that sounds out loud and clear.

With the awkwardness abated, I give my goodbye as well. "Hurry up and you be safe too. Can't wait to see the both of you and check you out myself."

"I promise, Wildcat, no injuries." Emmett must have stolen the phone, and I tell him we'll be waiting before Brade hangs up.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, absorbing the abrupt ending to our nightmare. There's no way Robert will get back out, not with so many people watching now. I can't decide if I want to laugh, cry, or both. Instead, I quietly get up and go to my room.

I've just finished washing my hands after using the bathroom when I hear my bedroom door open after a brief knock.

"Birdie? You okay, hun?" I grin at Brade's hesitancy and go back into my room with it still prominent in my face.

I stare at my tall ass best friend, taking in his Mediterranean complexion covered in a dark shadow despite his morning shave, those pouty DSLs, and sea-green eyes. All topped off by messy dark hair and a well-defined body from all the workouts he puts it through.

“Lark, you’re creeping me out. What’s wrong?” Brade’s forehead creases in concern then reverses in the other direction as I walk toward him, still not speaking.

Upon reaching him, I lift my hands to cup his jaw, the bristly stubble rough against my palms. “It’s finally over.” My shoulders lift into an abbreviated shrug, unable to explain it. Even though it ended abruptly with Robert and almost seems too good to be true, the pieces of the puzzle just clicked for me. And now I’m going to take every damned thing I’ve been afraid to want, and I’m going to hold onto it with both hands. I fucking dare anyone to try to take any of it from me.

“Yes, it is.” His own sense of relief shines through his eyes. He pulls me in for a tight hug, but I surprise him by slipping my arms around his neck and climbing him like he’s a tree. “Well, hello. What’s gotten into you?” His nervous laugh is infectious.

"I want what you promised." He looks confused again before his face lights up with joy at my reminder.

"A deal's a deal."

And then my ride or die bestie kisses me silly as he walks the few short steps to the bed. As he lays me down on top of the blankets, he releases me to start tugging his clothes off.

"Wait!" His freezes with a stricken expression. That, paired with his pants half off and his bare chest is comical. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"You hellion, Emmett is on to something by calling you a hellcat." He finishes disrobing before starting in on my clothing. "I love you. You know it. Don't get all girly on me now."

I grin cheekily at his assessment, knowing he's not wrong. "Just keeping you on your toes. I mean, I've only just gotten Rex halfway housebroken."

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic